Chapter Seven

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"Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you." ~ Stephanie Klein


Okay. I’m lying on my bedroom floor, just trying to get a grasp what the hell is happening inside my head. Now we’ve been taught how a lie detector is used and asked each other innocent questions such as ‘What’s your favourite colour?’ and ‘Which faction did you come from?’ which, let’s face it are unlikely to pry too deep into anyone’s privacy, people are going to start asking deeper questions about my life. And I am going to have to give them the truth or risk being kicked out of this place.

So, basically, I thought I’d spend a few minutes getting the facts straight in my head before I have to say this shit out loud. Eventually in front of everyone. Just thought I’d bring that up.

My real name is: Amber Rose Seacole. But I don’t use that any more.

I am: sixteen years old.

I: don’t belong here. At all.

My best friends in the world are: Jules and Callie.

I have a crush on:… no, I don’t. I can’t like… aw hell.

I: bury my head in my pillow now, strange thoughts running through my head. Why do I have to deal with this? Now? At all? It’s so much easier to just… not be.

I run into the bathroom, panting and dizzy, reaching for the bath taps, but am delayed ever so slightly by my need to puke in the sink.


A/N: So sorry that this is v short - it's kinda a filler chapter. 

Love ya guys

Rae x

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