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"Morning Bud

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"Morning Bud. Want me to bring you to school? We can stop by the grocery, you can get anything you want before going to school. How's that sound?" Dustin nodded

 "Thank you Aunt Marcella" he said before rushing back in his room to get ready.

"Claudia do we need to buy anything from the grocery store for the house?" nodding her head while petting Mews "Yeah there's uh a lot...actually. 

"Give me the list of the things we need to buy. I'll come back for it later, I'll have to visit Joyce and Karen for a bit." grabbing my keys "Dustin! buddy we gotta get going!" 

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" seeing Dustin running and panicking at the same time is hilarious. 

"Shit! Is this really your car?" his mouth fell open "Yeah...didn't you notice it yesterday? While you were helping me with my stuff?" he shook his head and smiled widely. chuckling seeing how cute Dustin is when he gets amazed by something.

"Well to make things clear, yes this is my car and yes you will get to ride this baby with me." winking as his mouth fell open again. "Dustin, buddy close your mouth. You don't want to catch flies" smirking as I got in my car.

 "Ready to go bud?" he nodded and smiled "Yeah!"

"Okay bud, we're here. Want me to go pick you up later?" Dustin nodded his head, smiling "Yes please- oh shit! wait I forgot my friends and we're having our meeting at Mike's house. I was supposed to bike to school and-" chuckling seeing how adorable Dustin is when he's rambling.

"Hey Dustin relax, okay. How about I pick you up later with your bike, drop you off at the wheeler's house and then you can go home using your bike?" he nodded his head and side hugged me "Thank you Aunt Marcella! You're the best!" he yelled while getting off from my car.

"I try to be!" he waved me a goodbye as well as his friends. While waving back I forgot how cute Dustin's friends are, gosh I missed those kids. "Bye Marcella!" they all yelled as I saw Lucas running towards my car. "I think you're really pretty" Lucas said while showing his cute smile, chuckling I patted his head and shook my head "Oh Lucas. Thank you kid. Now go to your class, we don't want you guys getting late." he nodded and ran back to his group.

Driving to the Byers house, I past by the Police station. Should I visit him as well? Taking a sharp turn, I notice that Jonathan's and Joyce's car are not the only cars that are parked in their drive way. Climbing out of my car I can see Jonathan walking out of their house. 

"Hey Jonathan! How are you doing?" he looked up, a wide smile appearing as he went to hug me. "Hey Marcella. I'm doing good...and you?" we pulled away and nodded "I'm okay".

"So I notice that there's another car in the drive way." he sighed and nodded "Yeah, It's Bob's...Mom's new boyfriend." Wait...Boyfriend? 

"Your mom has a boyfriend?!? Since when?!? Omygoodness!" he shook his head and chuckled seeing how shock I am. "Since everything went back to normal."

"Is she busy? I just wanted to pay a visit." he shook his head "No. She's not busy." nodding and hugged him one last time "Well I better go and see your mom. I still have 2 people left to visit." chuckling. "You visiting the chief as well?" I swear I can feel my cheeks burning and my heart skip a beat.

"Y-yeah...I uh-I" sighing, rubbing my face with my hands "I miss him okay. I just...I wanted to see him." Joanthan chuckled as he adjusted his shoulder bag "Yeah, well he misses you too. Even though he won't admit it, he does miss you." 

"I hope so." he smiled "Well I have to get going though. I'll be late if I won't." 

"Yeah, well it's nice seeing you again Jonathan. Take care." smiling he waved his hands and pulled out of the drive way.

"Marcella?!? Is that really you?!?" I looked back at the house to see Joyce standing there with I guess Bob, surprised while Bob looked confused whilst he smiled anyways. 

"Hey there Joyce. How have you been?" she let go of Bob's hands to hug me "I'm good-Great! Actually. Oh- uh Bob this is my best friend Marcella. Marcella this is my um-" shaking my head as I smiled at the both of them "You're boyfriend, Bob. Yeah I know" they both looked at each other 

"How did you know?" chuckling "Jonathan told me. I saw him before he left for school." they both nodded "Do you wanna come in?" shaking my head softly, smiling at them "It's okay, I just wanted to visit you. I still need to visit two people and I have to go grocery shopping. I swear to god my sister is one lazy ass." Joyce nodded as she understood "Well you take care okay?" 

"Yeah, will do. Also if you need anything or if you wanna hang out or something just give me a call." winking at the both of them "Will do." started my car as I drove away to the Wheeler's house.

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