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"Okay so basically the thing I saw in our Trash Bin is some kind of new species?" raising a brow, not sure if I should believe him. "Some kind of inter-dimensional animal?" he nodded his head as he took the thing out from his bag. Glancing at it, it was all slimy and shit "Is that the thing you saw?" he nodded and fed it with nougat "are you seriously feeding that thing with nougat?" 

"Yes. He likes it." sighign "Dustin It's probably for the best, I think you should kill it?" he scoffs and shook his head "No way! What if I discovered something new? I'm gonna be famous." chuckling on how ridiculous he is "Look just make sure it doesnt go anywhere okay. I'm gonna go do a research about that too and then we can talk about it once we're both home." he smiled and nodded his head.

"Well I'll see you later Aunt Marcella." ruffling his hair, watching him as he goes in the campus. 

"Hey there hotshot." as I turned around I saw a guy who's probably still in High school. I'm not gonna lie, he looks good but he ain't my type. "What do you want?" he had this charming smile he puts on as he leant closer through my window "Nothing, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Billy Hargrove." he winked and licked his lips, rolling my eyes as I sigh "Kid, stop with the flirting. It's very disrespectful, most especially you're flirting with the chief's girl." his face went pale as he stood straight and cleared his throat. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. You just look so beautiful, it's not even obvious that you're that old?" chuckling "Kid, I'm not that old and it's fine. We're cool, kid." he smiled lightly as he nodded his head "Well see you around Billy."

"I never got your name!" rolling down the window, smirking "It's Marcella." and with that I drove back home.

Plopping down on the couch as I slowly start drifitng off to sleep.

It's cold. Everything's dark. I can hear the schreeching sound from a far. "Hello?" I called out, hoping that someone could hear me. "Is anybody here? Hello?" looking down, seeing that I'm walking on water. I could hear my own breathing, it's too quite. Something's not right. Where am I? Then I could see something...someone lying down. It was surrounded by some, animal? Walking closer to it, it was eating the body. It was just not somebody's body, it was Bob's. "Bob?!? Can you hear me?!? Bob!!" it can't be, why is he dead? What is he doing here? Wha-what's happening? I don't understand.

Suddenly, I was awake. I sat up glancing at the clock, it read 7:15. What did that dream mean? Is it even real? Is Bob in danger? I have to warn Joyce. As I opened the door there stood Hopper. His fist was raised as he was about to knock "Hey" he smiled and I stepped aside so that he could enter "You okay? you look like shit." chuckling as I nodded my head "Yeah I'm good. I fell asleep and then I woke up at 7:15. I had a nightmare, but it didn't feel like a nightmare. It felt real Jim. It felt real."

"Tell me about it."

Dustin's P.O.V

As I was about to call for Aunt Marcella, I saw her and the chief talking. It looks important. Seeing how their face were both scrunched up, eyebrows furrowed. I wonder what they're talking about. I should just wait for them to finish talking. I slowly went upstairs to my room as I placed Dart in the cage, feeding him nougat. "You sure do like nougat, huh bud?" smiling, I went to my study desk as I try doing my homework.

Marcella's P.O.V

"look, Jim. I know you think it's just a nightmare but it isn't. It felt real, Jim. R. E. A. L. I should warn Joyce, just in case yah know." he sighed as he left a kiss on my forehead. "I'm always here for you okay." 

"You should get going. El's gonna flip if you're late, we both know that." chuckling as he agreed "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." clearing his throat as he awkwardly left.

"Dustin! Are you home?" I knocked on his room, hearing his response as I went in. "So you know anything about the thing you saw?" he nodded his head and sat beside me on his bed "He's name is dart."

"Dart?" he nodded and glanced at Dart "Well I just wanted to name him." 

Nodding my head as I took a sit on Dustin's bed "Mom found Mews by the way. She found Mews by the grocery store." laughing "How the hell did Mews end up at the grocery store?"

"Mom brought Mews with her when she went grocery shopping. She left Mews in the car with the car window open, apparantly Mews jumped out." laughing as we shook our heads "So anyways, dart.."

"So Dart looks like a pollywog." he nodded his head in agreement "yeah he does. But most tadpoles are aquatic right? Well Dart, he isn't. He doesn't need water." he said

"But aren't there nonaquatic pollywogs? Terrestrial pollywogs?" he nodded his head again "Yep. Two to be exact. Indiana semipalmated and the Adenomera Andrea." nodding my head "One's from India, One's from South America." he nodded and smiled "So how did one end up in our trash?"

shrugging my shoulders as I though about it "Maybe some scientist brought it here, and it escaped?" 

"And there's another thing. Reptiles, they're cold-blooded." nodding my head as I went closer to Dart. "Ectothermic right? They love heat, the sun." 

"But Dart hates it. It hurts him." remembering the crazy event last year, the demogorgon hates the heat. That's why it likes it cold. "Holy Shit."

"What? What?" Dustin asked as he looked scared "Dustin, you didn't discover a new species...that thing right there is a baby demogorgon."

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