|| C H A P T E R 2 ||

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"Hey Karen, just wanted to stop by and see how you and your family are doing." smiling as I carried little Molly. "We're good. The kids are great." smiling as she gave me a cup of coffee "Thanks." placing Molly in her baby chair "So are you finally staying here at Hawkins for good?" nodding my head, taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah. After what happened with Will, I want to make sure that Dustin and the boys are okay. Claudia...Claudia hasn't really been paying attention to Dustin and I want to make sure that he gets enough attention from at least a family member. I don't want him to experience what I have experienced." she frowned and held both of my hands from across the table. 

"I understand."she said while giving me a reassuring smile. "Thanks Karen. Well as much as I love hanging around, I have to go meet someone." she nodded her head and walked me by the front door "Well i'll be seeing you around more often" chuckling, hugging her "Yeah, I'll see you whenever I see you." waving goodbye, got in my car and drove to Hopper's place.

Arriving at his trailer, my heart pounding. THIS IS IT! MARCELLA CALM THE FUCK DOWN! You can do this. You wanted this! There's no backing out now. 

Taking a sharp breath "Jim! it's me, Marcella...can you please open the door?! It's freezing cold out here!" I kept knocking and knocking until I heard him open the lock from the door.

There he is 'Jim Freakin Hopper' stood shirtless, with his messy hair, his tired eyes from the lack of sleep, the smell of beers and cigarettes. Lookin up at him, smiling softly "Hey..."

Hopper's P.O.V

"Marcella?" she nodded and smiled. Damn she still looks great after all those years. I missed her so much. I missed her so fucking much. Why is she here? Why is she blushing? Wait wha- I looked down, noticing I didn't have a shirt on oh. Chuckling, stepping aside for her to enter.

"How are you? Why are you here?" she gave me the look, that look whenever I start to ramble. clearing my throat offering her a can of beer which she kindly decline. "Why are you drinking so early in the morning? Also I'm good AND am I not allowed to visit my best friend?" Ah 'Best Friend'

"I didn't say you're not allowed...it's just, it's been so long. she nodded and sighed. "You're right, it's been way too long." there was this awkward silence and I hated it.

"I missed you" we both said at the same time. laughing quietly

"I guess we both did, huh?" she nodded "Yeah" smiling. She pulled me in for a tight hug. "God I missed you so much Hopper. Every freaking day. But now, I would probably get to see you every day." What? Does that mean? she slowly pulled away

"You're staying here at Hawkins? Forever?" she smiled and nodded her head. I can't believe this. She-She's finally staying here at Hawkins. I'll get to see her every fucking day. Okay Hopper keep your cool.

"Well as much as I love to stay and chat with you but don't you have work?" shit! groaning I nodded my head. She chuckled and shook her head "Well you better go take a shower. We don't want the chief being late."

"Will I see you later?" she patted my bare chest "Oh Hopper, you'll see me everyday." she winked and kissed my cheek "See you later hops" and with that she left.

I could get use to this.

Marcella's P.O.V

"Hey Claudia do you have the list of things to buy?" going to the kitchen, to get myself a drink. "Claudia?" I went to the living room to see it's empty. Where the hell is she?  Went everywhere the house to check if she's in one of the rooms, resting but apparently she isn't home at all. sighing I went to my room and tried fixing my stuff since I didn't really get to fix it all yesterday.

"Aunt Marcella?" I look up to see Dustin standing by the door frowning "Hey kiddo, what's up?" motioning for him to sit down beside me "It's Will."

"What about Will? Is he okay?" he shook his head "Will's been having these episodes...for this month it has happened twice already." Oh Will...he's been through enough. "Where is he right now?" 

"Mrs. Byers took him home." nodding my head as I sigh deeply. "Will's been through enough...I just want this to be over." pulling Dustin in for a hug as he rested his head on my shoulder "Me too kiddo, me too."

"There's this new kid at school, her name's Maxine but she goes for Max. She beated me on Dig Dug." he huffed and crossed his arms "Oh Dustin, it's just a game. Besides You've been holding the title for so long." he stared at me with disbelief "Aunt Marcella-How could you say that?" chuckling, shaking my head.

"Dustin you're being over dramatic." he showed me his toothy grin as he shook his head "Anyhow, I didn't get to ask you this."

"Ask away." as I continued fixing my things while Dustin helped "Well I never knew what your job is." smiling, taking my wallet as I showed him my police badge.

"No fucking way." rolling my eyes at him "I swear to God Dustin,  Watch you language." he held his hands up in surrender as we both laughed. 

"Does he know?" I shook my head as we both were sprawled on the floor. "No, he doesn't"

"Will you tell him?" smiling, just thinking about seeing him again makes my heart flutter. "Yeah. The real reason why I moved here was because I was assigned or was supposed to transfer to California but I told them I didn't want too. It's either Hawkins or I nothing, and so they transfered me here where I can spend some time with you and the boys." winking at Dustin as I stood up, him doing the same.

"Well I'm really glad you're here Aunt Marcella. I really am." he smiled and wore his hat "Dustin...I know your mom doesn't give you much attention and I just want you to know that I'm always here. I'm here now, I'll be with you until I die. I want you to know that you can tell me anything, like anything at all. I'll help you, okay?  I love you kiddo, you're like a son to me." smiling as he ran towards me, giving me the tightest hug. 

"T-Thank you Aunt Marcella. I love you too, as my second mom." pulling away and wiping his tears "Hey, you'll be okay as long as I'm here with you." he nodded and kissed my cheek. 

"Well I gotta go to the station. I have to meet them in 5 minutes." he nodded "I'll see you later Aunt Marcella." he waved and left my room. 

I suck so much in writing huhuhu I need inspiration HAHAHAH. Anyways I'm re-reading my story and im trying to edit some stuff to make it more nicer HAHAHA I swear im trying my very best! Anyways please enjoy!

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