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Third Person's P.O.V

Outside of Hopper's room, he could hear Eleven talking with...Marcella? He stares at the ceiling fan and follows the blades. It makes a screeching sounds, like it always do. It's comforting, it fills silence in his room. He slowly got up from his bed and walks to the bathroom.

After getting ready, he went out of his room to see Eleven and Marcella laughing and smiling. Wish I could wake up this this everyday he thought to himself as he walked closer to both of the girls. "Good Morning El, Marcella." he said as he smiled at Marcella and El.

[End of third person's P.O.V]

"Hey Hop. How was your sleep?" I asked as I sat down beside El, facing him the opposite way. Smiling he took a bite of the waffles that I made with El as he moans in satisfaction "This is the best breakfast I had. Am I right El?" El nodded her head as she kept eating.

"Not to sound mean but why are you here so early in the morning? Not that I don't like it nor appreciate it it's just-" chuckling, taking a bite from my own waffle "Jim, I get it. Did you forget what I said last night? About me cooking next time? Well here I am. I figured that El and you would want a 'real breakfast' and not just eggos." shurgging as I glanced at El who's frowning at her "No offense El, I love eggos too but eating eggos everyday is not good." smiling she nodded her head.

"Well, Thank you. Marcella." shaking my head "You're welcome chief. I would gladly do this everyday or if you guys want me to cook you guys something then I would be glad to cook for you two." winking at hopper who only smiled at her, admiring how beautifull and how perfect she is.

Glancing at my watch, seeing that I needed to go home to take Dustin to school. "Hey El. Jim. I have to get going. I still need to drive Dustin to school." sighing as I placed the plates on the sink "Hey, don't worry about those, go home and take Dustin to school. I'll wash them." smiling, giving El and Hopper a kiss on both of their cheek.

"Bye El! Be good! Oh and see you at work Chief." 

Hopper's P.O.V

Waving at her as she honked her car as she drive away. "You love her don't you?" looking down at El as she smiled softly "Kid, don't tell her. Okay?" she frowned "Why?" sighing as I bent down to her height "Because I'll be the one to tell her. I'm just finding the right time." she smiled as she nodded her head "Well I hope you do because I would really like her to be my mom." 

Cheeks turning red as I cleared my throat "I uh- I have to go to work. Stay here. Don't let anyone in, except me and Marcella. You know the rules." she rolled her eyes but nodded anyways.

Dustin's P.O.V

"Mom" goraning as I prayed for Aunt Marcella to come back any minute "Hold up the proton blaster." sighing as I did what I was told to do. "Alright, now turn on the light. Oh! I want to see those pearls. groaning as I shook my head "Mooooom can you stop."

"Who you gonna call?" seeing Aunt Marcella laughing "Oh! you're so adorable baby. Just adorable!" groaning once again "God" rolling my eyes as I grabbed Aunt Marcella's hand, pulling her outside, in her car "You're such a nerd." she said as she climbed in her car "Shut up."

"So I noticed you missed breakfast with us." smirking I saw her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"I uh went somewhere." she gave me a nervous smile as she looked back at the road. "Aunt Marcella, you don't have to lie to me. I know you went to the Chiefs house. I know you ate breakfast there." her eyes went wides as she sighed I knew it! smirking

 "Well yeah I did and so what?"

Putting both of my hands up in surrender "Nothing. I also know you love him."


Marcella's P.O.V

"Kid I swear to God if you mention this to him, your ass is grass. You hear me?" smirking, he nodded his head. 

"Hey Aunt Marcella." lighting a cigarette as I blew out the smoke "Yeah?" 

"How come no one else is dressed up in their costumes?" looking  outside as I stepped out of my car, throwing the cigarette on the floor stepping on it. "Maybe they forgot?" shurgging as I see Mike, Lucas and Will riding their bike. "Hey Dustin! Marcella!" they yelled as I smiled at them

"Hey there kiddos." smiling at them as they all shyly look down, face turning red. "Guys seriously, you still like my Aunt? That's disgusting." shaking my head as I lit up another cigarette "Dustin how can we not? She's hot and cool!" Lucas said as he placed both of his hands up as Dustin shook his head. "Well as much as I love seeing you guys fight, I have to go to work." they all looked sad but nodded anyways. 

"How about I make it up to you guys? I'll pick you guys up after school and go to the archade before you guys go trick or treating. My treat?" they all cheered as they all hugged me "Okay. Okay I really have to go." they waved as they said goodbye before going to their class.

Hopper's P.O.V

"Here." seeing how stressed and tired Joyce is, I offered her a cigarette which she gladly took "Thanks." She started coughing as I laughed "Jesus! Hopper brings me back to old times." 

"What?" she sighed as she threw the cigarette, stepping on it "Sharing my cigarettes between fifth and sixth period." shrugging as she chuckled "Yeah, under the steps."

"Mr. Cooper caught us that time, remember? He was like 'Hey assholes." then we ran" Joyce chuckles as she shook her head "God I just want this to be over." nodding my head as I lightly patted her back. "Me too Joyce."

"How are you and Marcella?" my face turing red "We're good. I uh-we-she  went to my trailer. She made breakfast, for the both of us." she smiled as she nodded her head to the car ahead, realizing it's Marcella's car. "You better tell her what you feel or she's gonna slip away." she shrugged as she went to Marcella who just got out of her car. 

Joyce pulled Marcella in for a hug as she smiled, hugging her back. When Joyce pulled away she told Marcella something that made her her face turn red which Joyce only chuckled.

Joyce honked her car signaling that she's going. Marcella is walking towards me, smiling shyly. Tucking a strand of her behind her ear "Hey Hop." smiling on how cute she is Wait what? "Hey, we're both on night shift today." she nodded her head, sighing "Halloween night? I mean why not." she grumbled as she went in the station, me following behind.

"Hey Marcella?" looking up to see Hopper's face close to mine "Yeah?" I could see him glance at my lips then back to my eyes "I-uh- wanna go eat at the diner or something?" smiling "Yeah, but don't we have to do a patrol?" 

shaking his head "Nah, besides it's halloween. Kids are getting candies, not drugs nor alcohol." rolling my eyes as I stood up, fixed my things that were scattered all over my table. "How about my car?"

"You'll drive your car back to your house. I'll just follow you then we'll take my car. I can drop you off after." he shrugged as he lit a cigarette. Nodding my head as I started my car, hopper doing the same. "Drive safe." serious was all you can see from hopper's face when he said that.

"Always am."

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