|| C H A P T E R 4 ||

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"All right, I'm gonna be honest with you there. It's probably gonna get worse before it gets better." Owens stated as he scanned Will's vitals "Worse? He's already had two episodes this month." said Joyce

"He'll likely have more before the month is out. It's called the Anniversary Effect. And we've seen this with soldiers. The Anniversary of an event brings back traumatic memories. Sort of opens up the neurological floodgates, so to speak." Dr. Owens said as he tried explaining it to Joyce.

"So what does this mean for the kid?" glancing at Hopper, seeing him getting irritated "He's gonna have more episodes, nightmares? Yeah that." sighing as I rubbed my face, calming myself. Preventing myself to start an argument.

"Maybe some personality changes. He might get irritable, He might lash out." Seeing Joyce fiddling with her hands, I rested my hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze. She looked at me and give me a small smile as I did too. Joyce looked back at Dr. Owens and sighs "What do we do when that happens?"

"Well, from what we know about post-traumatic stress and we're still learning, Okay? Just treat him normally. Be patient with him. Don't pressure him to talk. Just let him lead the way." growing more irritable I was about to curse when I felt a hand on my lower back, looking back just to see Hopper lightly shaking his head while he mouthed Calm down. Sighing as I nodded in agreement "okay well what you're saying is it's gonna get worse and worse and we're just supposed to pretend it's not happening?"

"It sounds counterintuitive, I know. But I assure you that is really the best thing you can do for him." feeling Hopper's hand soothing my back, I turn to look at Joyce. Just seeing Joyce like this breaks my heart. She and her family doesn't deserve this, especially Will. They've been through enough.

"Listen. I understand what you went through last year. I get it. But those people are gone. They're gone, Joyce. Okay? So if we're gonna get through this I just need you to realize that I'm on your side. I need you to trust me."

As we all went out the Lab Joyce scoffed, shaking her head in disagreement "Trust me?- Are you kidding me?" 

"Yeah, I know. But you know, university gives out a degree, this guy's got it. And look, that post-traumatic stuff he's talking about, that stuff is real." Joyce sighed. Glancing at Hopper then at Joyce, grabbing both of her hands "He's gonna be okay Joyce, I just know it." offering her a sincere smile which she offered back as well. 

"Thank you, Marcella. You being here for Will, helping us and for being a best friends is more than enough and I can't thank you enough for everything that you did, you both did." Hopper gave Joyce a small nod "It's really no problem Joyce."

"So, How's Bob the brain?" Hopper asked as he lit another cigarette. Joyce sighed as she lit herself a cigarette too "Don't call him that." Hopper placed both of his hands up in surrender. Chuckling on how big of a dork Hopper is "Old habit."

"He's good. We're good." Joyce smiled as she opened her car door "That's good. I'm happy for you, we both are." smiling at Joyce as I winked at Will "I'll see you tomorrow kiddo!" Will smiled as he went in the car.

"So where are we heading now Chief?" facing Hopper as I took the cigarette that was placed in between his lips "My house." he replied as he started his car.

"Okay so why am I here again?" confused on to why he brought me to his trailer "because I need to show you something and I need your...help with girl stuffs and shit." Girl stuff? What? 

"El? I'm home. I brought someone who you might know." he yelled as he plopped down on the couch, sitting beside him "Wait, El? She's alive? How?" Hopper nodded as El went out of her room.

"El!" she turn to look at me a smile coming to her face as she ran up to me, hugging me. "Omygosh, How are you? I've missed you so much! Don't you ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack. When I found out that you disappeared, it broke my heart. El, you're like a daughter to me and I don't want anyting bad happening to you." We were both in tears, smiling.

Looking back at Hopper "So that's why you brought me here. Thank you." he gave me a small smile as he nodded his head. El angrily looked at Jim "It's 8-1-5" You're late."

"Yeah, I lost track of time. I'll signal next time, alright? Uh, and it's 8:15. It's not 8-1-5." she slowly nodded her head as she repeated Hopper "eight-fifteen." chukling, seeing how cute they both are "Hey Marcella, what are you smiling about?" snapping out of my thoughts "I-uh-it's nothing." they both gave me a confused look but decided not push anymore further.

"C'mon, dinner's ready." Hopper grabbed another chair for me to sit "Thanks. oh and uh Hopper, I'm cooking next time." 

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