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Arriving at the station I could see Hopper talking to the other two police which I guess was Callahan and Powell. "Hey there Chief." smirking. He turned around and his mouth fell slightly open "Marcella? What are you doing here?" he kept his posture straight "I work here." 

"Yeah she now works here Jim." Flow said as she stood up and hugged me "It's good to see you again Marcella." smiling "You too Flo." looking at Jim and crossed my arms "So do you need me to go with you?" he nodded his head and walked straight to me and whispered "You have a lot of explaining to do." Damn I could get used to hearing his voice everyday. 

Clearing my throat as I kept my posture, I followed him outside and was about to open my car door when he closed it again. "You're riding with me. Don't worry no one's gonna steal your car." pouting as I obeyed.

The car ride was silent, but it wasn't awkward. It's comfortable "So wanna tell me why you're working at the station?" smiling "Well after what happened with Will, I wanted to transfer here at Hawkins where it's near to my family. I originally was supposed to be transferred at Cali but Cali is so far from home. I told them to transfer me here or I nothing. I was their best police officer and so they didn't want me gone so they agreed. That's basically it." shrugging as I looked at him.

He nodded his head and took a quick glance at me "I'm glad you're here, I really am." smiling as I  held his right hand "Me too Jim, me too."

Walking around the field, observing all the pumpkins. What could cause this?  "You're saying this was fine yesterday?" hearing Jim ask Merrill "Fine? These were prize winners, chief. You should've seen 'em. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what happened. and then I remebered Eugene." looking at Hopper then at Merrill.

"What about him?" I asked as he removed his hat to sooth out his hair "He's been complaining about me to just about anyone who'll listen." 

"Why's that?" Hopper asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, something Hopper would do whenever he's serious. "Well, he started this 'Pick your pumpkin' thing. Acted like it was a trademark. I said, 'hire youreself a damn lawyer. See how far that gets you." I could see the chief getting slowly irritated "So you're telling us that the nice old Eugene came out here after dark and doused your field with poison? Not Eugene himself."

"I'm thinking one of his field hands." shaking his head as he sighs "Listen chief, Marcella, I don't go throwing around accusations lightly. You know me, well the Chief does. No offense Marcella." I waved it off "None taken." smiling a bit. "Anyways This happened the day before Halloween, when sales are peaking? That's hell of a coincidence."

Looking around I saw something move as I mutter "Hell of a coincidence." all of a sudden we heard a rustling by the corn field "You got somebody working on that field?" as Merrill shook his head. "No."

I took out my gun as well as Hopper. Following him from behind to make sure no one sneaks up on us. "Eyes wide open Marcella." Then all of a sudden a crow flew over Hopper and lets out a schreeching sound as Hopper yelled out of fear. 

"Yeah screw you too." laughing at his reaction, he looked back at me and gave me a glare. Placing both of my hands in surrender "Sorry but that was kinda funny." he grumbled as he placed his gun back to his holster as I did the same.

"We do not speak of this to anyone, you here me Marcella?" nodded my head "Sure thing Chief." winking at him as we both walked back to the car.

Dustin's P.O.V

"There's no way that's Mad Max." hearing Mike argue "Yeah"as we nodded "Girls don't play video games, and even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug." watching Max skateboarding "It's impossible."

"But her name is Max." said Lucas "So what?" asked Mike "well how many Maxes do you know?" Mike shrugged as he continued to watch her skate "I dont know."

"Zero. That's how many. She shows up at school the day after someone with her same name breaks our top score. I mean you kidding me?" Lucas shook his head and sighs "Exactly. So she's gotta be Mad Max. And plus she skateboards, so she's pretty awesome." I think I have a crush "Awesome? You haven;'t even spoken a word to her." Mike rolled his eyes "I don't have to. I mean look at her. Shit, I've lost target. Oh! There." We ran up to the trash bin to get the paper that Max threw "Got it. There we go."

"Stop spying on me, creeps." we all read "Well shit" we all shook our heads and sighed. "Will Byers, your mother's here." said the principal.

"Bye Will." he waved as he started walking with the Principal. "You guys think he's okay?" they all shrugged "He's always weird. I don't know. He's quiet today." mike shrugged 

Marcella's P.O.V

Hopper and I went to Hawkins Lab waiting for Joyce and Will to arrive. "You okay?" he nodded his head and offered me his cigarette which I kindly declined "You know those things are deadly." chuckling he threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. "They're here." I nodded my head as I walked towards Will and Joyce, giving them both a hug. 

"Hey there kiddo" smiling at Will as I slightly ruffled his hair "Hey Joyce" pulling her into a short hug " Hey Marcella. What are you doing here?" 

"Well meet your new Police officer." her mouth slightly fell open, so as Will. "Wait how?" shrugging I pointed at the building "We gotta go in, I'll tell you some other time." Joyce nodded her head and followed Will and I with Hopper beside Joyce.

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