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Okay so this is a long chapter and I really don't know what I was writing anymore so I'm sorry haha. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin asked as we all were still looking out from the window. "Hold on! I've got eyes! Ten o'clock! Ten o'clock! There." seeing the demogorgon walking past the pile of meat. "What's it doing?" shaking my head "I don't know - wait."

"You sure that's not a dog?" Max asked as we all ignored her as we were all too busy observing the demogorgon. "What? he's didn't take the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Dustin asked as he started panicking "Maybe he's sick of cows?"Steve said as he stood up. Grabbed his bat. 

"Steve? Steve, what are you doing? Steve?" he shook his head as he passed me his lighter "Just be ready." 

"Come on." he taunted the demogorgon as he expertly swing his bat. "Shit. Dustin! Here." tossing the lighter to Dustin, I grabbed a sharp piece of metal and went out of the bus. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Steve, I told youl. You're like a son to me, all of you are and if one of you gets in trouble, I will be there." he looked at me for a moment and nodded his head. 

"Let's kill this son of a bitch." as Steve and I were busy fighting the demogorgon the kids were telling us to come back. "STEVE! MARCELLA! THREE O'CLOCK! THREE O'CLOCK!" groaning "We're a little busy here!" as a demogrogon went to attack me. Its claws dug onto my forearm. Hitting it repeatedly. Realizing that we're surrounded by 5 of them."Aunt Marcella!" the kids gasped as they saw what happened "Aunt Marcella, you okay?" nodding my head "Yeah. Hey kiddo, we gotta go back. they're too many!" he nodded his head as we ran back inside the bus, shutting the door before any demogorgon can go inside.

"What happened?" Lucas asked. The demogorgon ran away, back in the woods. Something's definitely not right. "Steve and Aunt Marcella scared 'em off?" shaking my head as I looked at Hawkins lab "No way." said Steve 

"They're going somewhere."

"Almost there ladies, just keep close." Steve walked beside me observing the large cut that was bleeding  from my forearm. "We need to bandage that." glancing at the huge cut. "Yeah. Well, shit." 

"What?" chuckling besides losing a lot of blood, this is going to leave a mark. Also Hopper will be so pissed at me." laughing "So your positive that was Dart?" Dustin nodded. sighing "Yes. He had the same yellow pattern on his butt."

"Well he was tiny two days ago?" Lucas asked as Dustin shrugged "Well, he's molted three times already." nodding "Malted?" chcukling "Its Molted, Kid. Not Malted. Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms." he chuckled shyly and looked down. Nudgin his shoulder he looked up "Hey, it's okay. I do too don't know some words." giving him a wink as she chukled.

"Whe is he gonna molt again?" Dustin shrugged "It's gonna be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. And so will his friends." Steve nodded "Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats."

"Wait a cat?" Lucas asked as he looked at Dustin. "Dart ate a cat?" Steve and I nodded as Dustin shook his head vigorously "No, what? No."

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews." nodding my head "Who's Mews?" Max asked as she looked at me "Its our cat."

"STEVE! AUNT MARCELLA!" Dustin yelled as he sighed "I knew it! You kept him!" as they were all busy shouting at each other, Steve and I turned around. Hearing the growls of the demogorgon. 

My vision started to get blurry. I was about to fall when I can feel a pair of hands catching me. I couldn't hear what they were saying, I tried to breathe calmly and I clossed my eyes. "Aunt Marcella? Are you okay?" Dustin, Lucas, and Max asked all at the same time. 

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