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"What do we do? How do you know?" Dustin was literally panicking, he was pacing around his room "Look kid, remember what happened last year?" he nodded his head.

 "Well remeber a demogorgon don't need water, it hates the heat because it burns them. Dart is no different. Also when I went with Joyce and Hopper in the upside down, We saw this egg that was hatched. Dustin I know you care for Dart but it's not safe. We need to get rid of it." Dustin frowned as he was in deep thought, sighing I pulled Dustin in for a hug 

"Don't worry we won't kill it but we need to get rid of it or bring it back to the lab, to Dr. Owens." nodding his head, I helped tucked him in his bed as I left the lamp open "Goodnight Bud. see you in the morning." he smiled as he closed his eyes. I just hope it doesn't grow big.

"Hey Chief?" as I knocked before entering "There's a man who's car broke down, they're 15km far from us. I sent Callahan and Powell, if that's okay?" he nodded his head as he sat straight, motioning for me to sit down which I obliged.

"What's up?" he asked as he stared at me intently. Shaking my head as I smiled lightly "Nothing much. Everything's okay." he sighed as he stood up and sat on the edge of the table, looking down at me "Marcella, I know you're not okay. There's a lot of things that are going on and I know you're handling it all on your own. I know you know that I'm here for you. I'll always be here.

Tears started to build up as I tried my very best not to break down. I have never cried to anyone nor they've ever seen me cry. Feeling Hoppers embrace, I buried my face on his chest as I silently cried. Finally releasing all the anger, the stress, the pain and many other more emotions that i've been hiding for so long. No one ever cared for me, no one. 

"Hey it's okay, I got you. You're okay. I'm here." as he held me tightly as I did too, scraed that if I let go he'll be gone. "I-i'm sorry. I-I just...I've been alone for so long, no one ever cared for me as you do. I've been pretending that everything's fine but in reality, nothing is okay. Worried for Dustin, that he might feel like he's all alone, his future and health. And my sister, Claudia. I feel like she's not mentally okay. She's been acting weird ever since Dustin' dad left her. She's too caught up with Mews that she seldoms forget about Dustin's existence. I can't do this anymore, I'm tired Hopper. I'm tired." as I continue to sob.

"Hey, you don't have to be sorry. I understand you. I know because I've been there. I just want you to know that I'm here now. And I care for you because I love you." nodding my head as I pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate. Slowly pulling away, leaning our forehead against each other smiling "I love you Jim Hopper."

"I love you too Marcella Henderson."

Hearing the telephone ring, hopper wiped away the tears that were still falling before standing up to answer the phone. "Hello?" 

J: "Hopper? It's Joyce! It's Will! Something happened to him, he won't wake up. I-I don't know what to do." hearing Joyce's cries 

H: "Hey, just breathe okay. We're on our way. Just hold on, okay?"

with that Hopper hunged up as he rubbed his face "Hey, what's wrong? Was that Joyce? What happened?" he shook his head as he wore his hat "We gotta go. Joyce said that something happened to Will, he suddenly fainted. He was having another episode." 

"Joyce! It's Hopper and Marcella. Open up the door." we heard the front door open, seeing Joyce like this broke my heart. "Where is he? I can ask him a few questions..." Joyce nodded her head as she led me to Will's room. 

There he was, lying down, staring at the ceiling "Hey kiddo." smiling as I grabbed a chair placing it beside Will, sitting down and held his hand. "How you doing kid? I heard what happened. Wanna talk about it?"

"Hey Marcella, I'm okay." he nodded his head but his face showed no emotion and from that moment on, I knew something's wrong. He took a shaky breath as he looked at me, tears welling up in his eyes "Hey, Will it's fine. I'm here, take your time." smiling softly as he nodded his head, smiling at me.

"I-I was on the field and then it all just went blank, and then Mom was there." shaking my head as I frowned "Will, please tell me the truth. I know that's not what you saw." 

Grabbing Will's drawing and showing it at him "This shape, I saw it on the video tape from Halloween night. It's the same shape as your drawing." sighing as I looked at Will "These episodes that you're having, I think Dr. Owens is wrong. I think they're real. But we can't help you if we don't know what's going on. So you have to talk to me, to us. Please Will, no more secrets okay?" he nodded his head

"Did you see this thing on the field?" he nodded his head as he stared up at the ceiling "Yes."

"Like the one you had that night at the arcade?" he nodded his head once again "Yes."

"What does it want then?" he shrugged "I don't know. It came for me, and I tired. I tried to make it go away. But it got me, Marcella." Will was sobbing as I held both of his hands "I-Well what does that mean?" sobbing, still can't believe what Will has been through. "I felt it everywhere. Everywhere. I still feel it." pulling him into a hug as we both cried there silently "I just want this to be over." nodding my head as I wiped his tears "It's okay bud, I do too. If I could take all the pain away, I would."

"Hey look at me. Listen, look, look at me." cupping his face "I will never, ever let anythign bad happen to you ever again. Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it. I promise. I'm always here." he smiled as I help him lie back down on the bed. "Get some rest. You need it." smiling was about to leave when Will called out "You do too."

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