|| C H A P T E R 14 ||

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Hopper and I went back to the living room where the kids and Joyce were staying. "We can't let him die in vain." Mike said as he stood up "What do you want to do Mike? The Chief's right on this. We can't stop those Demo-dogs on our own." Dustin said as he glanced at Max.

"Demo-dogs?" Lucas asked as he gave him the 'what the hell' look. "Demogorgon dogs. Demo-dogs. It's like a compound. It's like play on words okay. I mean, when it was just Dart, maybe but there's an army now." nodding my head as I agreed with Dustin. "Precisely. His army."

"What do you mean his army?" Hopper asked as he held onto my hand giving it a light squeeze. "Maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army too." shrugging as they all agreed. "The shadow monster." Dustin mumbled

Mike nodded his head "It got Will that day on the field. The doctor said it was like a virus, it infected him." Mike explained as every one circled around them. "And so this virus, it's connecting him to the tunnels?" Hopper asked, slightly confused. "To the tunnels, monsters, the upside down, everything." Mike said.

"Woah, woah slow down. slow down." Steve said as he was confused "Okay so the shadow monster's inside of everything. And if the vines feels something like pain, then so does Will."  Mike again explained to everyone, most especially Steve. Steve nodded as he understood. "And so does Dart." Dustin said.

And so we all continued to discussed on what to do to stop the shadow monster and to save Will.

Everyone was at the shed,  removing the things and cover the whole inside with news papers. Since now everyone knows that Will is the spy for the mind flayer, Mike suggested to remodel the shed. Because from there Will can't spy if he doesn't know where he is. Hopper wouldn't let me help them since I got 'injured' as he said. So right now I'm currently sitting down on the couch alone, waiting for them to finish. After an hour everyone went back inside "What's the plan?" Hopper stared at me before sitting right beside me "Will, he's still in there. He's just not talking with words." He's referring to Morse code, I assumed "Morse Code?" he nodded and smiled. Kissing my cheek.

"How's your forearm?" shrugging as I glanced at the huge cut that the demogorgon gave me "It hurts but I can manage. But it's gonna give me a nasty scar." pouting. Hopper chuckled as he shook his head. 

"Marcella how are you feeling?" looking up as I see Joyce smiling softly at me "I'm okay, how are you feeling?" she shook her head as tears were streaming down her face "Oh, Joyce. Come here." pulling her into a hug, she sobbed quietly on my shoulder as I tried comforting her. Losing someone you love sucks, I know how that feels. 

"I promise that when this is all over, I will take you, Jonathan, and Will somewhere for a short vacation. How's that sound?" she smiled, chukling and wiping her tears "I'd love that but you don't have too. You being here, helping me-us is enough." shaking my head "I know but I just want you guys to have short get away from this town." 

"Okay. Okay. Promise?" chuckling, nodding my head "Promise." 

"Alright I want everyone of you here. Don't make a noise or we're all dead. Marcella just get ready with a pen and paper." nodding my head as Dustin gave me the paper and the pen. "Mike, Jonathan and Joyce let's get going."

"Dash, dot, dash, dot." Lucas and Dustin said at the same time "Do you need the guide?" Nancy asked. shaking my head giving her a smile "It's okay. I'm a cop remember." smirking as she smiled shyly.









That's it! This is how we defeat the Mind Flayer. We have to close the gate, but how? The phone rang "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Dustin exclaimed as Nancy ripped out the phone and smashed it on the floor. "Do you think it heard us?" Nancy asked "It's just a phone. It could be anywhere" Steve said as he started to panick. Hopper slammed the door open carrying Will as he gently placed him on the couch. "What's happening? Hopper?" Hopper grabbed both shotguns as he tossed me the other one. "It knows where we are. Just get ready, stay close to me." nodding my head as I pointed the gun where the growls were and let me tell you all that I'm pretty sure that they're a lot.

We could here it whimpering as one demogorgon was shamshed right through the window, lifeless. "Holy shit. Is it dead?" Dustin asked as he held onto me. Then we turned to look at the fron door. The locks were starting to unlock byt itself, or so I thought. There she stood, dressed in all black, hair slicked back, and a dark eye make up. El

"Eleven" Mike's mouth fell open

"Mike." El smiled at him as Mike ran up to her as they both talked "Is that I never gave up on you. I called you every night for. 353 days." she nodded her head. Smiling at Mike "I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" El looked at Hopper and I "Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper went to hug El "The hell is this? Where you been? El gave him the 'what the hell' look.

"Where have you been?" Mike glared at Hopper "You've been hiding her!" Mike was pushing Hopper when Hopper grabbed his arm "Let's talk. Alone." as Hopper dragged Mike to Will's room.

 "El!" she looked at me as she ran up to hug me "Don't ever do that again! I thought something bad happened to you. I was so worried." she smiled softly as she wiped my tears "I'm sorry, I had to go see mama." smiling. 

"I understand but please next time, tell me or Hopper. Okay?" smiling, she nodded her head "Okay."

Lucas and Dustin went to El as they both hugged her "We missed you." El smiled to the both of them "I missed you too."

"We talked about you pretty much everyday." Dustin smiled as El stared at him "Teeth." Dustin tilted his head, confused "What?". El grabed Dustins face as she stared at his teeth. "You have teeth."

"Oh. You like these pearls?" Dustin purred as Lucas, El and I gave him the 'are you serious' look. Chukling "Dustin, I love you but you gotta stop with the purring." he pouted at me as Lucas patted him at the back.

"Eleven? Hey. Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." Max stretched out her hand for El to shake as El stared at her before going to Joyce. Max sighed. Patting her at the back "Hey, it's okay. Just give her time." Max smiled .

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