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Climbing out of my car, I could see Dustin getting something from the trash bin? "Dusty! Dusty, what are you doing?" he immediately grabbed the cover of the trash bin and chukled nervously. "Uh-nothing. I'm just looking for my uh-my toy. Yeah! My toy. I think mom threw it." raising a brow not believing a word Dustin is saying. He looked at Hopper who leaning against his truck "Why is he here? Oh! Wait are you guys going on a date?" Dustin smirked as he nodded at the Hopper.

"What? No! It's just dinner. We're both hungry and-Hey! Don't change the subject." glancing at hopper who was currently looking at the ground with a cigarette in between his lips "We'll talk about this tomorrow. Okay? No more secrets between us, okay? I wanna know what's going on with your life." he smiled softly as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, okay. You have to tell me what happened with your 'not' date dinner." chuckling as I pulled Dustin in for a short hug as I walked towards Hopper's car. 

"So what happened?" he asked as he got in the drivers seat "He's hiding something and I'm gonna find out tomorrow." he nodded and started the engine "Oh and Marcella?" 

"Yeah?" he smiled and chckled "This is a date."

"Hey Jim?" he hummed in response "Thank you. I loved it." smiling as I leaned against the hood of his truck "I'm glad you did. I-uh. Marcella...you don't know how much I've missed you. You don't know how much I want to be with you, to hold you, wake up besides you everyday, just to be with you. It's be hard for me since you left and I thought that I would never see you again. You drive me crazy and I know I sound selfish but-" wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning my forehead against his as I kissed him.

Slowly pulling away chuckling "you talk too much." he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as he smiled "Yeah? But what I'm really trying to say is that, I love you. I love you so god damn much."

"I love you too Jim, so damn much." chuckling as we heard someone gasp. glancing at the front door stood Dustin, his mouth fell open as he placed both of his hands on his head making Hopper and I laugh.

"Hey there kid, why are you still awake?" he blinked a few times and closed his mouth before smirking "Nothing. I just wanted to check if you were home." shaking my head, motioning for him to go back inside.

"Sorry for ruining your moment." he yelled "Well, will I see you tomorrow?" kissing him once more as I nodded "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow chief." winking at him, he waited for me to go inside the house before leaving.

"I guess you had fun" smiling as I nodded my head "Yeah, I did." he smiled "About awhile ago, I'll tell you everything tomorrow but I need you to come with me in the library." 

"Okay, yeah. sure. wait why?" 

"I'll explain everything tomorrow."

I can feel someone shaking me roughly as I buried my face on my pillow. "Aunt Marcella! We need to go! Like right now." rolling over to my back, glancing at the clock "Now?" he nodded as he left my room for me to change.

"Marcella." looking up to see my sister Claudia smiling sadly at me "Hey what's wrong?" she shook her head and hugged me "Mews is missing. My poor little Mews." sighing as I comforted her "Look Mews might just be around somewhere in the neighbourhood. I have to go get Dustin to school. Yeah?" she nodded as she sniffed "I'll go try to look for Mews. Please make sure you're with Dustin." nodding my head as I walked out of the house only to see Dustin inside my car, shaking my keys "Come on."

"Alright, alright." driving to the library, we passed by the Police station. Shit I forgot to call Jim "I forgot to call Jim. He's gonna be pissed." 

"Don't worry. He won't. Besides there's a telephone at the library, you can use that as I get the books that I need to borrow." 

"Mr. Henderson, you know the rules." Dustin nodded his head "5 at a time." he went to each aisle, making sure he gets all the books that he will need. "Hey Marissa is it okay if I could use the telephone? It'll be quick." she nodded as I dialed the station.

"Hello?" It's Flo. "Hey Flo. It's Marcella."

F: "Marcella, sweetie. Where are you? Are you okay?"

M: "I'm okay Flo. Look can you tell Jim that I might not go to work today. Things came up and my Nephew needed help with something and my sister, she's not really doing okay."

F: "Don't worry sweetie, I'll tell Jim-" 

hearing Hopper's voice booming at the background.  "Flo is it Marcella? What did she say?" 

H: "Marcella? Are you okay?"

M: "Hey Jim and yes I'm okay. It's just things came up and my Nephew needed help with something and my sister, she's not really doing okay."

H: "Alright, but I'm stopping by at your house later. okay?"

M: "Yeah." smiling "I'll see you later then. Tell Flo I said bye."

H: "Will do. You take care alright?"

M: "Always am."

As I hung up the phone I could see Marissa glaring at me. Looking back at her, showing her my best 'bitch face' "What?" she rolled her eyes "So you and Hopper?" crossing my arms as I nodded "Yeah. Is there a problem?" she scoffed "He didn't call me back! He never liked me! You're so hot and It's so unfair." chuckling as I went to look for Dustin.

"You found your books yet?" he nodded as I help him carry the other books. "Five at a time." Marissa shook her head "Yep. one. two. three. four. five." Dustin counted, smirking at her. "You already have five books checked out." 

"Sorry our mistake. you said Five at a time, right?" she nodded her head "Well how many books do we have?" she glared at me and Dustin "Oh woah hold up. You don't get to glare at my nephew like that. Only I could do that. Anyways these books are his paddles and he's on a curiosity voyage and he needs his paddles to travel." Dustin smiled widely as he nodded his head. Marissa shook her head "Five at a time."

"Are you shitting me?" Marissa scoffed, hearing a kid cursing at her "Excuse me? Are you just gonna let your nephew talk to me like that?" shrugging as I gathered all the books "He can say whatever the hell he wants." winking at Dustin as I started walking towards the car, ignoring her call.

"Holy shit! You're so cool!" chuckling as I started the car "Thanks kid."

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