|| C H A P T E R 9 ||

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Coming out from Will's room, I can see Mike pacing around the living room. "Hey, didn't know you're coming." he smiled softly "What did he say? Was it the shadow monster?" nodding my head as I sigh "Mike can you look out for Will and Joyce?" he nodded his head as he went in Will's room as I pulled Joyce in for a hug "Joyce if only I could take the pain he's in I would. If I could take his position right now, I would. We can do this Joyce. He'll be okay." she nodded as she smiled sadly "Thank you Marcella, you don't deserve to be in his position, none of us do. We just have to kill the son of a bitch that's controlling my boy." nodding me head as I nodded at Hopper who only smiled lightly.

The car ride wasn't awkward silence but it was a comfortable one. "You know, Joyce is right." he glanced at me then back at the road. "Hopper, Will's been through enough. I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing Joyce like this. They don't deserve this-" Jim scoffed "and you do?" hearing him sigh "Look, no one deserve to go through what Will's been going through. Not you Marcella, I can't let that thing get you. I can't lose you to. I can't-" grabbing his right hand as I lightly kissed his knuckles "I'm not going anywhere. You won't lose me Hopper. You can't get rid of me that easily." looking at him I could see that he's been crying. frowning as I reached to wipe away the tears "Oh baby, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm here" shaking his head as we held hands throughout the car ride.

"Thanks for dropping me home." smiling softly as I reached to cup his face, slowly leaning in "I'll stop by later, to visit El. I might also stay there for the night, if that's okay?" smiling as he kissed me "Yeah, I would love that." chuckling as I got out of the truck, waving at hopper. "See you later"

Hopper's P.O.V

"Friends don't lie. Isn't that your bullshit saying?" El started stomping towards her room. "Hey, Hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me! Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where? Did you go see Mike?" 

"He didn't see me" El said as she rolled her eyes "Yeah, well, that mother and her daughter did and they called the cops. Now, did anyone else see you? Anyone at all?" she shook her head as she looked down "Come on, I need you to think!" 

"Nobody saw me!" she yelled as she tried her best not to cry. I hate yelling at her but I can't risk losing her too "You put us in danger. you realize that right?" shaking my head as I sigh "You promise I go! and I never leave! Nothing ever happens!"

"Yeah! Nothing ever happens and you stay safe!" she shook her head "You lie!" scoffing "I dont lie! I protect and I feed and I teach! and all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. and you know what? you can't even do that!" slamming my fist on the table as I tried calming myself down.

"You're grounded. You know what that means? It means no Eggos and no TV for a week." she shook her head as she tried grabbing the TV "Alright, knock it off. Let go El." she shook her head as she glared at me "Okay. Two weeks." 

"Let go!" she yelled as I shook my head "A month!"

"No!" sighing "Well, comgratulations. You just graduated from no TV for a month to no TV at all!" she shook her head as she started muttering a bunch of No's. "No! No! No!"

"No! You have to understand that there are consequences to your actions." tears were streaming down from her eyes as she shook her head "You are like papa!" being comapred to that son of a bitch hurts like hell. 

"Really? I'm like that psychotic son of a bitch? Wow! alright. You wanna go back in the lab? One phone call. I can make that happen." she went closer to me as she looked up, mumbling "I hate you."

"Yeah, well i'm not crazy about you either. You know why? Cause you're a brat. You know what that word means? How about that be your word of the day, huh? brat." grabbing a dictionary as I started skimming through the pages "Why don't we look it up? B- R - A-T. Brat."she started screaming as the glass from the windows were shattered in pieces.

"Hey! what the hell is wrong with you?" she slammed the door closed "Hey! Hey! Hey! Open this door! Open the damn door! You wanna go out in the world? You better grow up! Grow the hell up!" hearing her sob broke my heart. I just wanted to protect her but in reality, I'm breaking her.

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