Chapter 1

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Sadly my hopes were soon destroyed as I had to do a whole lot of PR work for the army. They put me into a weird leotard like costume in the colours of the american flag. It even had a white star in the middle of the chest.

I thought it looked ridiculous. And in that suit I had to make appearances in all kinds of TV shows to promote the army and convince young men to join us. I even had to film an ad that involved a long and 'inspiring' speech as well as a lot of young ladies throwing up their legs in the background. The producers called it dancing. If anyone had asked me I would have told them nobody would take it seriously as long as I wore that ridiculous outfit. But nobody asked me. In fact nobody asked me about anything. I didn't even get asked if I wanted to be 'Captain America'. Without even wanting it I became the poster boy for patriotism. Steven Rogers, the super soldier, the american hero.

The public eye loved me and I hated that. After all I never did anything heroic. I was no different from all the young men sitting in front of the TV talking about helping their country.

Everything got even worse when I got back to the base. They were all laughing at me and I couldn't blame them. I had all those new strengths and I used them for absolutely nothing. And there I was talking about how they and every young man out there who had no superhuman powers should go to war. I was no hero, in fact I wasn't even a soldier. All I was was a boy hiding behind a name.

And if being seen as a joke by everyone around me wasn't hard enough already, I had to find out that the commander had lost contact with Bucky and his troup. They were declared dead although there was no proof they weren't still alive. I begged the commander to send people after them but he wouldn't listen.

So I made a plan to get them back. In that plan I got help from Peggy and Mr. Tony Stark. I have to admit that it might not have been the best plan but I was desperate. I had known Bucky since I was a young boy and he had always been there for me no matter what. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the same for him?

The night before our plan was set in motion I could barely sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I saw everything that could go wrong. And it was a lot. In my imagination I saw not only myself but also Bucky and Peggy die over and over again. I don't think I had ever been this scared in my entire life. Not for myself but for the two people that mattered the most to me.


Wow, the situation is getting seriously intense. I wonder what will happen...

But honestly thank you to everyone who is reading this. I'm sure you can guess if the plan is going to work out. I know all this is happening quite fast and also not exactly like in the movie but it's an AU so who cares. Also I just wanna get to the actual story as soon as possible and right now I can't check all the facts due to a lack of wifi. Maybe I'll go over the story again at some point and change it though. Who knows?

That's all from me for now. Hope you enjoy and all that's left to say is bye. See you soon!

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