Chapter 7

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When I was walking into the feasting hall the next evening Steve wasn't there which was odd. When I asked Peggy she didn't know where he was and neither did Tony. It worried me and I went to his tent to see if he was sick. When I couldn't find him there either I started asking around.

I found out Steve went into the woods right in the direction where the Hydra factory was located. I wondered why I hadn't thought of that earlier. Of course he went there. He always wanted to protect the people he cares about and taking out Hydra would be payback for what they did to me.

He was in over his head. His powers were strong but he still wasn't able to do it by himself. For me there wasn't really a decision to make. Of course I would go after my best friend.


I was hiding behind the same car as last time. When a guard walked by I pulled him over and knocked him out quietly to take his uniform and put it on. That way I wouldn't be recognized as an outsider. For the same reason I didn't put on Tony's suit or took the shield with me.

I was really nervous but I tried to act casually to look like I belong. At first I got a few weird looks but I held my head up high and walked straight towards a side entrance and no one really paid any attention to what I was doing.

So without my cover being blown I managed to get inside and into the hallway where the cell that Bucky had been locked into was located. I tried to remember everything from that night. And then it hit me. The dark room I pulled Peggy into. The walls were covered in blueprints and plans. I just had to remember which door it was.

I pulled open the door I thought would lead me there but the room was filled with guards who apparently were having a break. I had to think fast and said: "Sorry I thought my buddy was in here but I guess he's not." They looked at me and I held my breath only to let out a sigh of relief when one answered: "Actually I think he might be looking for you too. Another guy just came in here looking for someone. He went down the hall."

The next door I tried was fortunately the right one. I couldn't find a light switch but my sight seemed to have been hightened too as I could read all the plans in the dark pretty well.

I had managed to understand the blueprints for the building I was in and moved on to the next wall. At first I had no idea what I was looking at. There were chemical terms and a lot of images of different coloured wires. But then it hit me and I had to stop myself from panicking. Hydra placed a bomb in their own factory. Why would they do that and also where? And most importantly: When would it detonate?

I inspected the wall looking for hints and discovered a doorknob. Turning it I opened the way into another room and there it was. The timer was at five minutes and constantly ticking down. I had to get the people out of here and away. So I stormed back into the break room.

"Everybody has to get out of here. There's a bomb!", I screamed. They turned their heads to look at me but something was wrong. Everyones eyes were an unnatural blue and they moved completely simultaniously. They got up and came towards me. Before I even had a chance to figure out what was going on they started attacking me. At first I managed to defend myself just fine but they seemed to be getting more and more. I regretted not bringing my shield. It would have come in quite handy.

In that moment my shield was sliding towards me on the ground. I decided to wonder about it later and used it to free myself from the attackers. I turned around and looked right into the face of my best friend.


Looks like I'm finally back updating regularly. What do you think of the new title?

Will Bucky and Steve get out of the Hydra base in time? I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

That's all from me for now. Hope you enjoy and all that's left to say is bye. See you soon!

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