Chapter 3

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I was walking alongside Peggy who now seemed a lot more nervous than she did at breakfast. When she let out a big sigh I grabbed her hand to calm her down. She glanced at me with a thankful look on her face. But I could still see the fear in her eyes. We were all scared but I had nothing to lose. The two people that I would really mind losing were involved in this situation and I would be there to ensure their safety.

Right before we entered Hydra territory Tony handed me a shield. It was beautiful and matched my uniform. "It's made of vibranium and adamantium, the strongest metal on earth. Be careful with it. It's all we have.", he explained.

This was the moment of truth. It was time for me to do what I've been waiting for my whole life. Here and now I could make a real difference in the lives of dozens. I didn't wanna do it to be a hero or for others to see me in another light. Frankly I didn't care what other people thaught of me. Although it would be nice to be treated better than dirt or to just not be ignored. I wanted to be seen for once. All my life I felt invisible to most people. I guess that's why I started so many fights. I tried to be loud, to be heard. And I didn't care if I got hurt. But now was my chance to actually do good. My mind was set on a goal and I was in deep focus. Nothing could take my mind of this mission.

Our little trio took cover behind a black van that was parked behind the back of the main building. Tony took out a little device that he build to send out an interfering signal that would disable the security cameras. When he pressed the little button it only took a few seconds until all the Hydra members got very nervous. They started running around and yelling and that was the moment our rescue plan started. Tony and Peggy were to stay hidden whilst I go and look for our men.

It didn't turn out that simple. Peggy refused to stay behind and we didn't have the time to argue so we went in together. It didn't take long until we heard people screaming for help. They must have noticed something was going wrong. Just when I wanted to rush to their rescue I heard steps coming from a corridor leading right towards our position. I grabbed Peggy's arm and pulled her in a little dark room. "What was that? They are right there just a few doors away. We need to get there!", she whispered angrily. "Didn't you hear the steps? If we had gone further we would've run straight into their arms.", I whispered back. "Sorry. I didn't hear them. Are your senses also heightened?", she asked. "I don't know, maybe. But we don't have time to find that out right now. We have to go and save our people."

And with those words I peeked out the door. The guards were gone and me and Peggy very carefully made our way across the hall towards the door where the screams were originating from. As silently as possible I pushed open the door and the first thing that caught my attention was a horrible smell. It smelled like an alcoholic who hasn't had a shower in days just so many times more intense. My first instinct was to turn around and leave but I pushed down my disgust and entered.


So here we are. Three chapters into the story and still waiting for Bucky to make an appearance. Don't worry though, you won't have to wait long.

So far the whole updating regularly thing is going quite well, I just hope it stays that way. I'm always open for feedback to improve my story and to satisfy my readers.

That's all from me for now. Hope you enjoy and all that's left to say is bye. See you soon!

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