Chapter 6

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I was sitting at the table alongside Steve and his new friends Peggy and Tony enjoying my breakfast. It was the first time I got a proper meal in days and I couldn't have enjoyed it more. Everybody just kinda left me alone which is weird since I would have expected them to come over and ask a lot of questions. Steve probably had something to do with that judging by the looks he gave everyone who was eyeing me in a curious way.

I was so thankful to have a friend like Steve. And even though he looked so different he was still the same person on the inside. He was still my thoughtful, kind hearted, insanely lovable and brave best friend.

Peggy seemed to find him quite lovable too. She couldn't keep her eyes off him and I really couldn't blame her. The Steve I had in front of me was fairly attractive. Okay, I gotta be honest. He's freaking hot. And at the same time he's sweet and adorable. He's simply precious.

Seeing how Steve reacted to Peggy's affections kinda gave me a flatter in my stomach. I was worried that he might slip away from me. With his transition and his new gained confidence girls will throw themselves at him. It's not that I don't grant him that but I was worried his heart could get broken or he might not have time for me anymore. But he's my friend. I was sure he would never abandon me. After all he did put his life at risk to save mine and he knows I'd do the same for him. No girl could tear our friendship apart. And Peggy helped to save me though she didn't get anything out of it. Steve deserved someone as selfless as himself and that might just be her. So I decided I would be happy for them if anything ever came of it which I was almost sure it would.


It was good seeing Bucky's face glow when he finally got a good meal again. He already looked much better and he wasn't as pale anymore. There were still a couple signs left hinting towards the recent events in his life though. But I was sure they would disappear in no time. Bucky was strong and I would be with him every step of the way.

After finishing our breakfast we went to get dressed for Bucky's first day back in training. I didn't feel good about him working so hard again already but he insisted. And if Buck sets his mind on something he sticks to it. He can be stubborn like that but it's one of the reasons I love having him as my best friend.

This training was supervisioned by Peggy and at my request she went very soft on Bucky. I had a feeling he was gonna have a talk to me about that later but I didn't care. As long as he took it easy for a while and let himself recover fully I accomplished what I wanted.

I on the other hand gave it my all. Now that I could actually hold a gun up and point it without tumbling over or letting it fall my dedication paid off. It was truly satisfying and I felt like with these new powers I could finally do what I've been longing for my whole life. I could protect my beloved country.

As much of a controversial topic as patriotism is, I have a clear opinion. And our current president Shawn Walker (this is a randomly made up name btw) is one of the best the world has seen so far. He did many great things including building a big new welfare foundation to help families living in poverty. I actually worked with them before I became a soldier since I figured it was another great way to help build a solid foundation for my country. I'll probably get a job there again if I retire some day and not die in battle.

But for the time being I had to figure out what Hydra was after and take them down. So I decided to go back to their base where Bucky was held captive and do a little spying.


Hey, guys. I don't really have much to say except: Something big is coming your way. I don't wanna give anything away but the next chapter is gonna be intense.

That's all from me for now. Hope you enjoy and all that's left to say is bye. See you soon!

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