Chapter 8

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"Bucky?! What are you doing here?", Steve blurted out. "I'm trying to save your ass, stupid. Why would you do this all on your own?", Bucky answered angrily. He was angry because Steve put himself in danger like that. "This place is gonna blow up in a few minutes. We have to get these people out of here. Now!". And with that Steve grabbed two of his attackers and pulled them towards the exit. He knew they weren't acting like themselves and he was eager to help everyone he could. Bucky was of a slightly different opinion. "No, we have to get away from here as far as possible and as fast as possible. Forget about them, Steve. Please, just for once put yourself first. I can't lose my best friend!", he begged while his eyes started tearing up.

That sight melted Steve's heart. No one was more important to him than Bucky and he couldn't deny him such a desperate wish. He'd do anything to keep his best friend safe.

And so the two of them let the guards be and rushed to the side door through which they entered. It was locked. After a few tries Steve gave up on breaking the lock with his shield and pulled Bucky with him in the direction he knew the front door would have to be. It was a big risk but he figured that everybody would be long gone to avoid getting blown up.

They made it there. The door was shut too but it had a much weaker seal so that Steve managed to break them out. He was aware the bomb would go off any moment and he grabbed Bucky's arm to pull him away with him as fast as possible.

Steve felt the shock wave before it hit and pushed his best friend to the ground, protecting him with his full body and the shield that he held over their heads. The wave came with an unbearable heat that melted away parts of Steve's suit.


I was screaming out. Big parts of my body felt like they were burning up and those that weren't I couldn't feel at all. I was being held down by a lot of weight but I couldn't figure out what it was because I was surrounded by dark smoke.

They say your whole life flashes by infront of your eyes when you die. I had always hoped that were true. But I saw nothing but a black emptiness. I felt like everything I've ever known was being torn away. The only thing that stayed was the memory of Steve's face. It was so real I could have sworn he was really leaning over me. I felt the urge to touch his face and to pull him closer but I couldn't move. I tried to scream to let out the anger that the one thing I really wanted to do I didn't do.

I didn't realize that I was in love with my best friend until it was too late. I would never get a chance to tell him. And it was my biggest regret. I love you, Steve.

And then it all went black.


Hey there. Believe it or not, I'm still here. There's really no excuse for why it took me this long to update. I guess I just kind of forgot after I didn't have time for a while.

I'm so incredibly sorry and I hope you're still with me. Stay tuned for the resolution of this chapter's twist. Any guesses on what's going to happen next?

I can tell you it's gonna be exciting. Just hang in there till I can actually bring myself to write a new chapter.

That's all from me for now. Hope you enjoy and all that's left to say is bye. See you soon!

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