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Froggy has logged in

Froggy: hey sorry about yesterday, I was in a hurry

Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: its okay, no worries :)

Froggy: how you been?

Pixieass: eh

Pixieass: the usual

Froggy: which is....?

Pixieass: Eh, idk, i get sad at the tiniest things

Froggy: it doesn't matter if it's small or not, if it's still bugs you, you tell someone

Pixieass: well it's cause in  my music class we got to play our favorite song, and well when I put my song, this kid was making fun of me, and telling me the song sucks and all. And well I got sad and blah blah, but I'm trying to not care bc his song wasn't the greatest either sooo

Pixieass: yeah

Froggy: hey it's okay! You shouldn't feel bad for likening a certain song, who cares if someone doesn't like it? I'm pretty sure they have horrible tase in music

Pixieass: yeah, I just feel bummed out that's all.

Froggy: its okay Pixie, don't think about it

Pixieass: thanks Froggy

Froggy: no problemo

A/n: lol sorry this chapter sucked

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