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"I thought this was gonna be more intense." Malcolm said as he got off the couch and went to grab his drumsticks. Finn gave him a look and re-read the text.

"My name is y/n"

Finn fiddled with his fingers a bit, thinking of a response. But then he remembered Jackson and Ayla were still staring at his phone to see what he was gonna say next, so Finn looked at them and said, "uhh, guys? I need a bit of privacy here." Jack and Ayla quickly got off the couch. "Oh, yeah" "yeah, yeah, yeah." Once Finn was alone, he started to type his message.

Froggy: hey that's a really nice name

Pixieass: lol thanks I guess

Pixieass: since you know my name

Pixieass: I wanna know yours

"Uh oh". Finn said. His name is gonna give it away. What can he say? He needed an excuse.

Froggy: How about

Froggy: I tell you on the day of the concert

Y/n read the message. She didn't know how to respond, but it felt sketchy to her.

Pixieass: oh okay, that's fine

Froggy: hey I gotta go, but thank you so much for accepting to meeting me, it means a lot to me

Pixieass: no worries

Pixieass: FRIEND :D

Froggy: god not again

Pixieass: lol bye

Froggy: bye x

Froggy has logged out

Pixieass has logged out


Y/n screamed into her pillow. She took the pillow out of her face and took a really, dramatic, long, breath in and squealed. But then she realized-

"What am I gonna say to my parents?"

HELL NO! ⌇FINN WOLFHARD Where stories live. Discover now