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September 1, 2018 10:37 am

Text from "Mom"

Mom: Did you make it?

Y/n: yeah I'm on the way to the museum

Mom: alright honey, have fun! I love you!

Y/n: thank you mom I love you too I'll text you when me and my friend are out of the mall x

Y/n entered the café. It's was a small, brownish wood building, but also very aesthetically pleasing. Y/n looked around for a seat and decided to sit next to a window.

"Hi! Can I take your order?" A boy who looked like he was on his twenties smiled at her. "Oh, yeah, uh, can I have a small cappuccino, and a sandwich, please." Y/n smiled. The boy wrote on his little notepad and smiled. "Coming right up."

Froggy has logged in


Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: hello


Pixieass: I'm so bored help me

Froggy: where are you

Pixieass: at this café near my school

Froggy: hey so I kinda need you to give the ticket, a friend of mine will go and give it to you

Pixieass: why cant you just come?

The boy came back and set the food in-front of y/n. "Six fifty six." The boy smiled. Y/n gave him the money. "Thank you! Enjoy!"

Froggy: I have stuff to do

Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes.

Pixieass: alright this is the address

Address attached

Froggy: he'll be there in about twenty minutes, you're wearing a jean jacket right?

Pixieass: Just tell him to look for the girl with the (your fave) phone case

Pixieass: but yes, I am

Froggy: alright

Froggy: well I gotta go do something, when he gives you the ticket, text me

Pixieass: okay bye

Froggy: bye

Froggy has logged out

Pixieass has logged out

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