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September 1, 2018 11:13 am

Y/n was still in the café and there was still no boy. Maybe he got lost? Maybe he got ran over? Y/n was about to open the chat to text Froggy, but the bell rang, meaning someone just came in.

Y/n looked up from her phone. A kid with a short curly hair came in. He had these squared glasses and was wearing what it looked like a fluffy white sweater and a black shirt underneath it. The boy was looking around and Y/n could see he was mumbling something. "Maybe that's him." Y/n thought. She sat in a better position for the guy to look at her phone case. Not only two minutes later, the boy said a little "aha"  looked at her for a few seconds, and sat down in the booth in front of her.

"What the shit." She thought. Was that not him? And why does he look familiar? Y/n sighed and went back on her phone. When will the damn guy come? She was just finishing her word puzzle when the curly head boy stood up and started walking toward her. "Holy fuck oh my God oh my Jesus oh my God oh my God oh my-"

"Hi are you Y/n?" The boy smiled and looked at her. Y/n quickly smiled back. "Yeah I am." She said. The boy handed her the tickets. "Here you go." He said. "Thank you." Y/n gave another smile. And once the boy smiled back he left.

Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: I got the ticket

Froggy has logged in

Froggy: YAY! Remember to say your name also, okay?

Pixieass: yes mom

Pixiesass: Froggy what if I lose them

Froggy: just put them in your bag

Pixieass: I didn't bring one

Froggy: damnit y/n

Froggy: well if you do, just remember to say your name and you user name from here.

Pixieass: okay

Froggy: I have to go talk to you later

Pixieass: wow okay bye

Froggy has logged out

"Bitch." Y/n mumbled.

Pixieass has logged out

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