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August 29, 2018

Three more days.

Three more days until y/n and Froggy meet. She had already planned out her outfit, but she keeps on changing it every single day. She was nervous.



She had a hard time falling asleep at night. What if he's ugly? What if he's an old man? What if ? What if? What if? A lot of "what if's" kept on popping up in her head.

Y/n's been planning on making a fake school field trip slip. Her parents are very strict on where she can or can not go, so a school field trip would look very believable. So, she searched up, "fake field trip forms" and after two hours of looking for the most believable one, she decide on a museum. Y/n edited a bit more to look more realistic and printed it out.

"Mom, dad? Can you sign this school field trip slip?" Y/n asked as she walked in the kitchen, her mom washing the dishes and her dad looking through his phone.

"What kind of field trip is it?" Her mom asked as she dried her hands. Her mom sat down next to her dad and looked up at her. "It's for a museum." Y/n said as she handed the paper to her. Her dad put down his phone and looked over her moms shoulder.

"On a Saturday?" Y/n's mom raised her eyebrows at her. "Oh, yeah , they don't open on Fridays." Y/n said, her palms starting to get sweaty.

"Why doesn't it say the time?" Her dad asked. "Oh yeah." Her mom said as she looked closer at the paper.


"Uh, I guess they forgot, but from what I remember, we get to school at 10, and from there we leave to the museum." Y/n spit out the first words that came into her mind. "I can always call you." She said to her mom. Both mom and dad read the paper one more time, and then her dad got a pen out of his pocket and signed the paper.

"Here you go honey." He said as he handed the paper to her. "Thanks dad!" Y/n smiled and ran back to her room.

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