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September 1, 2018 2:32 pm

Man, being alone is really uncomfortable.

Everyone had a friend or family member with them, except Y/n, she was all by herself, in a corner, hiding away from everyone. She just wanted the concert to start already, at least she'll get to blend in with the crowd. Y/n went on her phone and started to play some games she never really plays on, trying to distract herself from the people around her.

Then she remembered she had her earphones on her pockets. She took them out and connected them to her phone. She left her game and went to her playlist. She clicked on shuffle and "Crying Lightning" By Arctic Monkeys started to play. She tapped her foot to the beat of the song and went back to playing her game.

Maybe ten minutes later, she got a notification.

Froggy has sent you a message

Froggy has logged in

Froggy: SO


Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: Horrible

Pixieass: I'm in a corner all by myself, I wanna leave already

Froggy: NO DONT


Pixieass: I.Wanna.Leave

Froggy: You got this bby, you can wait longer

Pixieass: fine.

Froggy: I promise it will be worth the wait

Pixieass: you're gonna be there right? With me?

Froggy: not exactly, but yes

Pixieass: I just came here to meet you

Froggy: so did I

Pixieass: why can't you come right now

Froggy: when you find out who I am, you'll know why, Y/n.

Pixieass: tf does that supposed to mean

Froggy: toodles!

Froggy has logged out

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Pixieass: I hate being alone

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Pixieass: I hate being alone

Pixieass has logged out

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