3.9K 119 41

September 1, 2018 3:15 pm

Y/n pushed by people to be the first one in at least the first or second row. The venue was barely full. Maybe around twenty or more people were inside. Y/n took a spot on the third row, next to a group of friends. She went on her phone and scrolled through her Instagram, liking some dog pictures as she did.

3:25 pm

Almost an hour left. She was so excited and nervous. She wondered how Froggy looked like. What if the kid who gave her the ticket was him?! Nah, he didn't look like the type of person who would mess around on online chats. What if he was bald? What if he was actually the most ugliest guy she's ever seen? LIKE CATFISHERS! Oh hell no, if she does end up getting catfished, she'll probably call the cops or something.

Y/n sighed and looked around the venue. It was small. Maybe around 100 people could fit. Maybe more.

Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: I'm here!!!

Pixieass: I'm lonely and there's a lot of people

Pixieass: Froggy why cant you be here

Pixieass: it would be more fun if we met already

Pixieass: I'm booooorrredddd

Pixieass: this band better be good

Pixieass: or else I'll leave

Pixieass: I should've gotten a snack

Pixieass: I'm fucking hungry mate

Pixieass: lol

Pixieass: I said mate

Pixieass: Froggy

Pixieass: I'm bored

Froggy has logged in


Froggy: damn

Froggy: you annoying as fuck my dude

Froggy: the concert is almost starting

Froggy: have pants young grasshopper

Froggy: *patience

Pixieass: pants are nice

Froggy: yeah they are

Pixieass: whose playing

Froggy: a band

Pixieass: yeah no shit but what band

Froggy: you'll see

Pixieass: ...

Froggy: see ya in 40 minutes!

Froggy has logged out

Pixieass has logged out

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