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Froggy has logged in

Froggy: I missed you too asshole

Froggy: I'm so sorry

Froggy: You didn't do anything

Froggy: its just me

Froggy: Life is weird right now

Froggy: you have no idea how much I wish to tell you EVERYTHING

Froggy: I'm sorry

Pixieass has logged in

Pixieass: What bothers me is, why did you all of the sudden leave?

Pixieass: Are you okay?

Pixieass: Did I do something?

Read at 10:27 am

"I want to meet you"

Finn looked at his phone and bounced his leg. Was it too risky to send the text? What if she says no? Is it too early? Is everything moving too early? They haven't known each other for too long. What if she doesn't like him? Hes a celebrity, of course shes gonna like him. Right? Finn sighed and looked up from his phone. His band members were practicing for their gig that would start in three hours. They knew about Pixie, they didn't say anything though, but Finn knows they don't like that hes texting a random stranger.

"Finn, are you gonna practice or not?" Jack asked. Finn sighed and nodded his head. He put his phone away and grabbed his guitar. "You need to stop texting that Pixie girl, shes distracting you from work, what if "she" is not even a she?" Jack said as he tuned his guitar. Finn didn't look at him. "C'mon guys, this is the last song we need to practice." Ayla said. Finn nodded in agreement and fixed his mic. "Going to Seattle on the Greyhound..."

HELL NO! ⌇FINN WOLFHARD Where stories live. Discover now