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September 01, 2018 6:25 pm

Y/n was in a state of shock. Finn was staring at her and she was staring right back at him.

"She, she screams in silence, a sulley riot penetrating through her mind"

Even though this was her favorite song of all time and sang it whenever it came on, this time she couldn't, she was trying to process everything that had just happened. She shook her head, blinked many times and looked at Finn. He had a huge smile on his face, not looking away from her. Y/n looked at him with a shock face and mouthed "you're Froggy?" And pointed at him. He smiled and nodded.

"She, She's figured out, All her doubts were someone else's point of view, Waking up this time to smash the silence with the brick of self control FUCKING SING!" Finn screamed out and pointed at Y/n. It's like nothing had happened. It's like she wasn't shaking and sweating. She smiled big and started to jump, just like the girls around her, and screamed out the lyrics.

"Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?" 

Y/n and Finn were smiling at each other as they both sang, basically together.

"Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you." Finn screamed, just like in the original song, and did a full turn and played his guitar so hard and so fast y/n thought he would cut his fingers. She was still jumping, she was starting to get sweaty, but she didn't care, this was amazing.

All this time, she knew deep down he was Froggy, but she didn't want to believe it, that only happened in books. She danced to the music and looked at Finn. Her hair was all over her face, her face sweaty and heart beating so fast.

"Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? Scream at me until my ears bleed, I'm taking heed just for you"

The song ended. Y/n was breathing heavily and the fans were screaming. Finn looked at her and smiled. "Thank you." He said into the mic. He moved his attention to the fans and smiled. "Thank you all for this amazing night! We'll be back soon, we love you all so fucking much! Goodnight Berkeley!" The fans screamed and the lights turned on. The screams started to die down and the voices started to get louder. Y/n stood where she was. What now? Does she leave? Does she stay? Is something gonna happen? She was being pushed by the fans who were trying to leave the venue, y/n was still in her spot. The band left, and the backstage people were picking up the equipment, except for Finn.

He was scanning the crowd to look for y/n. She was too short for him to find her in the crowd. Y/n was on her tipy toes, trying to wave her hand. She finally caught  his attention and before the team could take away his mic, he shouted into it, "THE MALL! THE MALL! THE-" the team took it away from him, giving him a weird look.

"Come on Finn, lets go." The team was pushing Finn away from the stage. He was trying to get away from their grip, but he couldn't. Y/n was following him, pushing past the confused fans. And before they fully took him away, he shouted, "THE MALL AT SEVEN!" And he was gone.



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