Forgivness and Second Chances

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Forgivness and Second chances

Today i had to see Bella, i put last night behind me and was ready to face her. I quickly ate breakfast and made my way to my car. Luckily i had no work today, so i had all day free. I pulled up to Bella's house, and charlie wasn't home but she was. I smartened my self up, and headed for the door.

" Just coming" I heard her say. She answerd the door and smiled

" Hey come on in" She welcomed me. I stood there at the door not knowing what to do.

" Sit down, let me just get dressed and ill be with you" She said, rushing up the stairs. I giggled a little when she tripped up the step, jacke was right Clumsy. I switched the TV on, oh god i hope she didn't mind.

" Anything intresting on" She asked, sitting next to me.

" Nah jus shit day time TV" I said, giggling a little.

" Paul can i ask you something" She asked me. I looked at her and she bit her lip, which made her look cute.

" Anything" I said.

" Why did you hate me" She asked me, wait how did she know, then it clicked Jake.

" I really want to know the truth" I said, and she nodded.

" Because you dated a Vampire, a Filthy fucking Blood sucking Monster that's why. And what did he do, he treated you like dirt i mean come on he left you. How could he leave such a wonderful girl like you just confuses me" I said, a bit bitter. She looked at me in shock, and then sighed.

" I know why he left" She said in a small tone.

" Please Enlighten me, why a Blood sucker like him let a human like you" I snorted.

" It was my 18th Birthday" She said.

Flash Back

" Here Bella this is from, Esme and Carlisle" Alice said, handing me a box.

" Thank you" I said smiling. As i tore the paper i gasped a little, and looked at my finger

" Fuck paper cut" I muttered. Suddenly everything around me went in slow motion. Esme looked pained, Carlisle looked Disappointed, Rose was just Rose, Alice was about to cry, and Emmett was in protective mode.

Why are they acting like this, i was drawn out my thought when i heard a loud smash. I looked infront of me, and Jasper had crashed into Edward, but why. Then i looked at my finger, and finally realised why he attacked.

He pushed Jasper away and then stood infront of me. Jasper attacked again, this time Edward knocked me back and i went flying into the Glass Vase's everywhere. I felt warm fluid trace down my arm, and it smelt horrible.

I looked around and Carlisle was tending to my arm, being carful not to hurt me. I looked around and saw 6 very hungry Vampires infront of me. And for the first time in my life, i was scared of Vampires.

End Flashback

" He did what" I shouted, how the fuck can Jasper do that. Then again he is a leech and Bella is human after all.

" Paul Calm the fuck down" Bella said" How can i, first Jasper nearly kills you, then Edward leaves you, then Mike tries to fucking Rape you what next, Vampire hunting you" in a angry voice.

I snorted. She looked pained, a part of me cared but a part didn't

" That was Harsh," She said in a Low tone.

" And i don't give a fuck, im Paul i have a Temper fucking deal with it," I shouted. She got more angry and once again hit me round the face.

" Shut the fuck up, you fucking animal" She shouted

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