Coma : Part 1

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Coma part 1

Previously . .

" I hope your ready for this Paul, i only saw bits like i said," She said to me, and i sat down and nodded.

" Well it is true, I cannot see Werewolves," She started



" I'm glad were not moving, i mean breaking Bella again is just to hard to bare," I said, cuddled into Jasper. I heard a cae pull up, and saw Bella. why didn't i see her come to school, then i realised i can't see werewolves. Ive asked Carlisle loads of times, he said where i am more attuned to Vampires, Werewolf's are not top priority.

" Bella," I shouted and waved. She looked up and smiled, everyone waved at Paul as he drove off.

" Hey hun, how are you feeling" Rose asked.

" Im good, a little sore but good," Bella blushed a little.

" OH MY GOD, You didn't" Emmett boomed, and she blushed even more.

" Ah Ha my little sister got some," Emmett boomed again.

" Shut up," Bells said sticking her tounge out. Suddenly i froze, and my eyes glazed over.

Flash . . Bella walking out the door, then she disappears completely. Loud screech, and someone gets run over Flash . .

" Come on guys, Lets go" I said walking into the school. Oh my god that was weird, i hope its not Bella. As the day progressed, i kept having the same visions. I tried to tune into everyone, but nothing was going on until i heard it.

Flash . . " Lauren, we can't do this . . " Yes we can, its what it Deserves," " We best not get caught, doing this," " Oh we won't," Flash . . .

Lauren then looked over and smiled, but i turned away. I wonder what she was going on about, not that i cared. It cam to the end of school, and paul was waiting for Bella. That's why she Vanishes, maybe i can learn to tune in with Werewolf's.

" Bye Bella," We all said, standing by the cars. Bella turned around to walk away, thats when i heard a loud screech and gasped.

" Bella Watch out," Paul screamed, why the fuck would he say that. Before i could understand what had happened, i saw Bella fly across the Car park. Holy hell it was her that got run over, Dam i feel so guilty. That is what Lauren must have been on about, must tune in must tune in.

Flash . . " Oh shit lauren, we've killed her," " Shut up mike, just shut up okay," " Lauren what have we done," " No one saw us Mike, Bella deserved it." " No she didn't, she could be dead lauren, and you killed her" " We need to get away, and think of something fast, she said driving towards seattle" Flash . . .

" Someone call 911, Emmett call Dad get him here now, and Paul we will talk at the hospital," I said to him, as he knelt down beside his girlfriend.

" Bella darling," He said, but she didn't respond. I saw him shake, fuck this wasn't good.

" Who the fuck was that," He then screamed standing up, looking at everyone. I heard the sirens in the distance, before anyone else could.

" Lauren and Mike, we all saw them at the last minute," Rose said, slightly sobbing. Ah so she saw them to, along with the rest of my family, thank god. Paul then collapsed to the floor next to Bella,

" Why" He said in a hush tone and i knew what he meant,"

" I cant see your kind, with you near by Bellas future went blank like i said ill explain" I said to him and he nodded.

End Flashback


" That's pretty much what i saw and heard," Said Alice, after explaining everything to me.

" Im going to kill them," I said, trying not to lose it.

" Paul im sorry, i didn't realise it was Bella i just couldn't see," Alice said, sobbing into her Husbands chest.

" No Alice its my fault, if you could have seen me then you would have seen bella," I said with my head down. I then did the one thing i never thouht i would, i cuddled a vampire.

" It no ones fault, its Lauren and Mikes," Rose said, sitting in the waiting room.

" What the hell happened," Said charlie, running towards us.

" Mike and Lauren, did a hit and run on Bella she's in the operating theatre now," I said, and charlie sobbed.

" Who saw," He said, trying to switch into Official mode.

" Alice, did as did the Cullens and i don't know who else," I said and he wrote it all down.

" Ill need statments," He said, and spoke to them one by one.

" What happens now," Rose said.

" Well we will find them, and take them in. File a case for Attempted murder, they will get bail until a court date. There we will need everyone that saw the Accident, including Bella," Charlie then sighed.

" Charlie go, we will keep you posted" Emmett said, and he nodded.

" Why bella, what did she ever do wrong apart from be her self," I said, slumping down on the chair.

" I don't know man, all i know is Mike, when i see him is going to get hurt no one hurts my little sister," Emmett said. Some of the pack arrived, and i filled them in and they waited.

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

The doors opened, and Bella was wheeled into a room.

" Doc talk to me," I said and he sighed.

" Bella has a fractured skull, a broken rip, broken leg and arm and I'm afraid she is Comatose," He said and my whole world crashed before me. I started to cry, and i felt weak for the first time in years. I cried like i was 7 again, i let it all out. My Bella my beautiful Bella in a Coma, what do i do.

" Paul come on," Lisa said, when did she get here.

" Its like when mum died Lisa, i can't handle this" I cried, and she tried to calm me down.

" I know Paul, but you need to be strong for Bella," She said.

" I know but i feel weak, I'm Paul I'm meant to be strong not weak like this. I can't take this shit, my heart is aching i just want to die," I sobbed.

" Come on paul you don't mean that," She said, and i didn't.

" What can i do Lisa, I'm helpless" I said looking at her.

" You be the Paul we all know, and go and see Bella" She smiled and i nodded. I looked around, and saw everyone staring at me sobbing a little.

" Sorry," I whispered,

" Don't be," Rose said. I nodded and slowly walked into Bella's room. She was laying there, and all i could hear was her heart beat and beeping noises. I sat next to her on the chair, and saw all the tubes. She looked so peaceful just laying there, she looked dead but she wasn't.

" Oh Bella i miss you so much," I said and broke down again. I sat there just watching her, for god knows how long. I eventually feel asleep, next to my darling. Why did this have to happen to her, why my Girlfriend.

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