Back from the Dead

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Back from the Dead

Previously . . .


Thats it Paul play happy familys. You won't be happy for long, i have a plan my son and your precious Fiancee is part of it. Just you wait, its your fault all your fucking fault. Paul you shall die, and your Bella and unborn child shall die to. You may be a werewolf, but i am a Newborn and i could kill you in a instant. Sleep well little boy, for soon my vengance shall be mine.


" Come on Jasper, we need to go" I called to my husband. As i sat there skimming through a Fashion Magazine, a vision hit me like a tone of bricks.

..Flash.. A Newborn attacking Bella, ..Flash.. Volturi ..Flash.. ..Newborn attacking Paul.. ..Flash.. Bella laying over a Lifeless body ..Flash..

" CARLISLE," I screamed. He came down along with everyone i explained my vision. Carlisle got on the pone to the Volturi, and i had to get hold of Paul.

I woke up to my phone buzzing, who the fuck was calling me at this time.

" Hello Paul, its Alice we need to talk,"

" What about, its 4am dam it"

" I had a vision Involving Bella, we need to meet"

" Fuck okay, where and when," I said more alert now.

" 5am, in the Meadow follow our scent"

Shit this wasn't fucking good.

" Bella darling we have to get up, we have a meeting its Important"

" Do i have to," Said my darling, in a sleep tone

" Yes im Afraid so,"

" Okay, okay im up" She said shuffling out the bed towards the bathroom. I quickly headed downstairs to make some Coffee, to wake us both up.

We Arrived in the Meadow, the Pack was already there.

" Okay what do we know," I asked. Seth was phased, so i placed Bella next to him to keep her warm. He nodded, as Bella curled up into his fur and started to stroke him.

" Basically i had a Vision, of a Newborn Attacking Bella, I don't know what the Volturi's involvement is in all this, there on there way here. And im sorry to say but i saw you Paul, lifeless and Bella crying," Alice then collapsed to the floor sobbing.

" We'll keep you updated, as of now Alice must keep her distance so she can see what is going to happen," The doc said, and i nodded.

" It keeps changing, ill keep you posted, and Paul keep her safe" Alice said and i nodded.

" We will meet in one Week, to discuss by then The Voltrui should be down. If anything happens within that week, just mention our name we will hear you, we can promise you that" Carlisle said.

" Thank you, and Alice i will and Carlisle thanks" I said. The pack said there thanks, as the Cullens left. Bella was sound asleep curled into Seth, she looked so peaceful.

" What do we do now," I asked.

" We run patrols the newborn may not know, that we know the Cullens so if the worst comes to us we have them," Jake said, and we all nodded. I slowly picked Bella up and carried her back home. I placed her in bed, and headed back downstairs.

" Guys this is not good, i mean what could a newborn want with Bella," Quil asked.

" I don't know man, i really don't all i know is Bella is one of us and i will die protecting her," Embry said.

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