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Today was the day i would be seeing Bella. I would have to Apologise to her alone, and tell her how i feel. But what if i scare her away, i mean she might not be healed. I chucked my self out of bed, and headed towards the shower.

The hot water Realised the Tension in my muscles and i sighed in relief. I wrapped a towel around me and headed back to my room. I quickly chucked on some shorts, and a tank top that should be okay for the Bonfire. I headed downstairs, where my sister was making breakfast. My mum and dad died, a few years back so i moved in with her. Her husband is really amazing, he would do anything for Lisa.

" Morning Paul," Tony said to me.

" Morning, Tony" I nodded and sat down.

" Here you go Paul," Lisa said handing me and plate.

" Thanks Sis when is my rent due" I asked, taking a mouthful of egg.

" End of Next week" She said smiling. I had a job down at the local Mechanics, i was pretty good with Cars. Jake and i had always said, that we

would open a garage together. Everywhere was Expensive, but they paid me good. I just nodded, and carried on eating my food.

It was Early evening and the Sun was about a hour or so away from setting. The bonfire had been lit, and there was already a few people there.

" Bella's here already," Jake said. A smile came across my face, as i looked for her in the crowd. Then my heart sank, she was sitting on a log with some boys arm around her. I then looked again, and i could see she felt Uncomfortable.

" Bella" I called, she looked up and smiled. She quickly got up and hurried over to us.

" Hey guys," She said, giving us each a cuddle.

" And before you say, yesterday don't worry about it, It's forgotten" She smiled. We all nodded and she sat down with us, taking a sip of her wine.

" Can i try some" I asked, she nodded and handed me her cup.

" What is it" I asked,

" Its Chardonnay, its a White Wine" She smiled. I took a sip and spat it out

" That's horrible, it tastes like vinegar" I said rubbing my lips. She then laughed, the sound of her laugh made me feel all warm.

" Well i like it" She said, taking a few more sips.

" Try this" I said handing her a beer. She tried some, and then pulled a face

" That's horrible, but then again Bitter and Sweet together" She smiled handing me my bottle back. Sam looked over at us and smiled, i can't beileve Bella was sitting next to me.

" Bella can we talk" I said to her, she nodded and she got up.

" Hey Bella where are you going," Some blonde guy said, walking over to her.

" Going for a Walk, Paul this is Mike he is a friend from school" Bella said, i looked at mike and he was drunk.

" Can i talk first, im going soon" He pouted, Bella mouthed sorry and walked of with Mike. He stuck his arm around her, and they walked off. He turned around and smiled a smug smile, i started to shake.

" Paul no" Sam said, i nodded and down my beer.

" Hey sexy, I'm Lauren and you are" This Blonde bit of trash said to me.

" I'm Paul, and I'm not interested" I said brushing her off. She looked at me and pouted,

" And what about you" She started talking to Jake now. Jake brushed her off, as did all the Pack. Emily's face, when lauren approached sam. Her face, scared and broke was filling with anger. Sam had phased a few years back, and Emily stood to close.

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