There Back!

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There back!


" Hello Bella," It said,

" W.w..wwhat do you want," Bella asked.

" Revenge my Dear Bella, Sweet revenge" It hissed.

" Why," Bella whimperd. " Why me" Bella then fell to her knees, holding onto her chest.

Now to be continued . . . .

" That is a Stupid question to ask," The vampire said.

" Victoria please" Bella tried to plea but it didn't work.

" Edward killed James, now i must Kill you" She stalked forward, and we all growled.

" Don't you hurt her leech. i cursed but she couldn't hear us.

" Quil no" We all said, and quil was human

" Don't you hurt her Leech" quil said.

" Ah look a little boy to speak on behalf of the pack," She taunted quil

" Leave him alone, you filthy bloodsucker" Leah growled

" Leave him alone, you filthy Bloodsucker"

" No all i want is Bella, give me her now" Victoria hissed.

" No Bella belongs to us, and your on our land" Sam said

" No Bella Belongs to us and your on our land" Quil repeated.

" No more fighting, okay victoria you can have me" Bella said, slowly walking forward.

" Bella please" Angela cried, and Bella looked round.

" Im sorry she won't go away until she has me" A Single tear feel down her cheek, and she nervously stepped closer.

" For the record, Me and Edward are no longer together" Bella said, and Victoria looked confused.

" I wonder how long it would take for him to leave you" She hissed and Bella looked pained.

" That's right Filthy human, like you No wonder he didn't want you" She carried on, and bella feel to her kness.

" Im starting to feel dizzy guys" Seth said.

" Remember, Her looks don't fall for it" Sam said, and Seth snapped out of it.

" We need to do something quick, Look at her" I said, we all looked at Bella.

" Please Victoria, Laurent's dead and you will be next" Bella said trying to be brave.

" He's dead" She said, almost in shock

" Yes he stepped on our land, and wanted to kill Bella" Quil said, talking for all of us now.

" Oh no" She mocked, and laughed. Then Bella did something that shocked us, she lunged at Victoria. But Bella went flying off, and i heard her whimper on the floor. This momentarily stunned Victoria

" Now Get HER" Sam shouted. We all lunged, and started ti pull her apart. Quil quickly lit a fire and we chucked the pieces on. The smell hurt my nose, i quickly phased back. I rushed over, and she looked swollen and bruised.

" We need to take her to the Hospital" Jake said, and i nodded. I quickly placed her in my car, and drove to Forks Memorial.

" We need to see a Doctor she feel from a tree, and well look" I said to the nurse. The nurse gasped and showed us into a room.

" The Doctor will be here soon" She said, and i placed Bella on the bed. Oh god why did she do that, didnt she care about her life. Didn't she realise that it would have broken us to leave her. All these thoughts were running through my head then i growled.

" Evening Paul, why is Bella here" Its soft silky voice said.

" Carlisle, Victoria came back and wanted to Kill Bella because YOUR son killed James. She then lunged at Victoria and now look" I said, pointing to Bella.

" From the looks of it, she has a broken rib, a broken arm and bruising," He said. Bella started to Stir, a little and i quickly rushed to her side.

" Ah i see she is your Imprint" Carlisle asked

" Yes she is, what are you doing back" I asked him, and he sighed.

" Edward wanted to come back, and claim Bella back. We told him not too, because it would have been bad but he didn't listen" Carlisle said sitting down.

" Alice couldn't see Bella, so it was pretty frustrateing" He said and i nodded.

" The treaty still stands" I said, knowing Sam would have said same thing.

" Of course, i was there when me and Ephrium agreed" He let out a chuckle.

" Wheres Victoria" Bella said in a small tone.

" We killed her, she's gone now darling" I said, and she sat up and winced in pain.

" Bella where else does it hurt" Carlisle then asked, and Bella's head shot up.

" Carlisle" She cried, and he nodded. She felt love towards these people but they left.

" Bella we didn't want to go, Edward made us he said you wish we were dead, and weren't around anymore" He said, with a pained breath.

" He told me the same thing along with other things" She whispered, and then she sobbed.

" Is he here" She asked, and he nodded.

" Bella we told him not to, but he didn't listen and we didn't want to either because of what you said," He said sighing.

" I didn't say those things, ive missed you like crazy Paul's been here helping me" Bella said, holding my hand.

" Does she know" He asked

" Yes, but im not forcing her to Love me im letting her decide her self. Plus if i ever get angry again, then she won't be more then friends" I said smiling and she rolled her eyes

" Don't you need Rage to Phase" He asked.

" No we don't Ive got it controlled but, if we phase when we are angry that's when we can hurt a human" I said, and he looked dumbfounded.

" Right back to business, Bella im going to splint your arm, and give you some pain killers," He said, and left the room.

" My chest hurts, i don't think i can take this again" She said,

" Ill be around, he wont hurt again Bella" I said, and she smiled and cuddled into my chest. Bella was so special i mean placing her self in harms way, what was she thinking.

" Bella why did you do that" I asked.

" I don't know i felt rage and lunged," She said. We said our thanks to Carlisle and Bella gave him her number. I drove her home and explained to Charlie. I said my goodbyes, and headed to the beach.

" There back," Was all i said, and they all nodded.

" We smelt one near Bella's" Jake said.

" Patrolling tonight, around Bella's area we will patrol all night if we have to" Sam said, i quickly phoned Lisa to tell her, and she understood. I phased and was tuned into Jake, Leah and Quil

" I can smell him," I said

" Do we attack" Leah said.

" No not until THEY make the first move," Jake said.

" Oh i can't wait to kill him" I said, and showed them all today in the Hospital.

" Bella cared for his Family, and he says that" Jack was pissed now

" I know, stay focused though"

" There he is"

We saw Edward, leaning on the tree branch looking into Bella's room. I growled and he turned and looked right at me, jumped and ran away. We stayed like that all night, and he did not return. It was 6am and i could See Bella walk around in her room. I quickly went home, and had a shower and called into work.

" Im staking the school today" I said to Jake, as i walked to the beach.

" Me to," He said. We headed for the school, and parked up. Today was going to be long, but worth it to make sure Bella didn't get hurt.

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