Father VS Son

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Father Vs Son

Previously. . . .

" Ah paul long time no see son," He said to me, and my chest ached.

" Father," Was all i said, and everyone gasped. Why the fuck couldn't i phase back what the fuck was happening to me.

As i Stood there, staring into the Blood red eyes of my father. All my Anger and Pain boiled up inside me, and i couldn't help what happened next.

" PAUL NO" Bella screamed, as i lunged at my dad in human form.

" WHY DID YOU DO WHAT YOU DID," I yelled at him, and he smirked. I kept raining blows after blows upon him, and it was sort of effecting him. I could see the pain he was suffering underneath my hand.

" Because your mother, was a whore she had a Affair and she deserved the beatings," He hissed at me. He then put his hand round my throat, and held me in the air.

" You know, you was a fucking rotten little boy. I hated you from the first time i saw you, your worthless and pathetic," He growled. My face was turning blue, and i started to feel dizzy.

" Please don't kill him take me instead," Bella interrupted. He threw me down, and made his way over to Bella.

" Ah your his Fiancee correct, well well well looks like someone has been busy," He said, with a evil glint in his eye.

" Don't you touch her," I choked, hoping he wouldn't. He then put his arm around Bella, and sniffed her hair and laughed.

" She is so mouthwatering, i mean her scent is just amazing," He carried on sniffing her. Then he froze and turned around, and i smiled. The pack, plus the Cullens and The Volturi all stood in line.

" Paul are you alright," Bella said, kneeling next to me.

" I am now darling," I croaked. As i stood up, i could See my father staring at us all. I felt the Anger, but i couldn't phase this wasn't good what so ever. My body started to Ache, it wanted to change but it couldn't.

" Ah trying to transform, well that isn't going to happen," My dad said. I looked at Jake and Sam and they was trying aswel. I went over to Jake, and smiled a little.

" Jake man im sorry" I said, and he just laughed.

" Not your fault man, don't worry" He said. I looked at Bella, and she was talking to Edward and he handed her something.

" Colin, just leave you have no business here" I said, taking a step forward.

" Paul, i know this is freaky but listen, He can't effect Bella Ive handed her a Knife it will only stun him for a few seconds, when it does phase got it," I turned around, and edward nodded. I saw Bella slowly make her way towards my father, and more anger built.

" Don't call me by my slave name, my name is Miraslarv" He hissed at me. He then sniffed the air, and turned around as Bella placed the knife in his back. Suddenly my body exploded, and i phased. I heard gasps but i didn't know why and i didn't care. As he lunged at Bella, i jumped in the way and took the blow.

" Come on you son of a Bitch, let go me and you" I said, and gasped my self. Did i just talk on my wolf form, i mean actually talked.

" Amazing" I heard Aro say. That little distraction cost me dearly, as my dad lunged at me. He hit my side and we went flying.

" See son im a Newborn and can easily kill you, but i shall enjoy this" He hissed. We then lunged at the same time, now it really was Father Vs. Son. I ripped his skin, and he ripped mine but we didn't stop. It felt good hurting him, for all those years of Pain and Torture. He then struck at my leg, and ripped it from its socket. I howled in pain, man that fucking hurt.

" Did that hurt son," He mocked.

" Fuck you" I screamed, and lunged at him again. I was losing to much blood, and i couldn't concentrate. Suddenly my Leg mended its self, and i was confused. I lunged again, and pushed him into the water. I looked at my reflexions and realised why they has gasped.

My image had changed, i was no Longer a Grey and Silver Wolf, i was more Black then anything. My usual Blue eyes, where pitch black man i looked good. I heard a splash, and i was in the water with my dad. Thats where he had me, and i couldn't do anything about it. I kicked him where it hurts and paddled to the shore, coughing my lungs up.

" You poilt little brat get here," He shouted, but i ran off into the clearing again. He chased after me, and i fell to the floor as he took my Back leg out. He then ripped at my throat, and i felt the Warm Blood on my now Red fur.

" PAUL NO, PLEASE COME ONE HELP HIM" I heard a Metallic sound and a high scream.

" Paul stay with me," My darling said. I phased back to human and Gargled a little. I tried to talk, but there was no luck i couldn't. I could see Bella covered in my blood, sobbing.

" B..." Was all i could say before everything went black. Everything around me, dark and then white. I stood there, in my house and i heard kids screaming. As they ran through me they ran into the Arms of Bella. They was beautiful one must have been about 7 and the other must of been, about 4.

" Mum when is Dad back," The kid asked, and she smiled.

" Soon Paul Jr, don't worry he hasn't fogotten your birthday," She smiled. Paul then ran into the front room, where more people was. Bella then looked at me and smiled, and signled me to follow her. As i stood there, the door opened and in came me. Wait if i was here, and i was there what the fuck was going on. Bella then looked at me, smiled.

" Come on Paul please wake up, think of the Future think of you Unborn baby," She said in pain. Wait why was she saying that, Suddenly i felt a burn rip threw my throat.

" Please wake up paul, please wake up" I heard her cry. I tried to, suddenly i was falling and falling fast. I then hit the groun, and shot up and looked around. I felt my throat, and felt the burn and screamed.

" What the fuck is that Burning Feeling," I said, as everyone smiled.

" Oh paul, thank god you back" Bella then sobbed, as she embraced me into one of her Hugs.

" Your father is finally dead, and That's Edwards Venom" The doc said. Wait what, did he just say edwards Venom.

" Yes, Edward licked around you throat and Sealed it shut, and seeing as you can Heal no more blood was lost," He smiled, kneeling next to me.

" Edward thank you," I said and he nodded his head.

" Your welcome Paul," He smiled. I looked at the now Dim fire, and smiled a little. Bella held onto my tight, and i flinched.

" Sorry Paul," She looked shocked.

" Its fine ill heal," I said and she laughed.

" Paul you have some Talent my dear boy," Aro said smiling.

" See when you phased, you had so much anger you became what Humans beileve a Werewolf is" He then said, and i nodded.

" I knew it was something like that," I said.

" But seriously man you looked so fucking cool," Seth said smiling.

" And talking as well, thats pretty amazing," Sam said. I looked around, and saw the Volturi smiling.

" Thank you for helping," Was all i said before the darkness took over me. I felt a pain in my chest, it felt like someone was sitting on me.

" Come Paul don't do this, come on wake up"

" Lets get him back to our place,"

" Hurry, he's shakeing"

" Please help him,"

What the hell was happening. My body felt weird, and i felt things stick into me. I feel so fucking weak, i want to wake up and be with Bella. I just wish for once, i could have a Normal day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2010 ⏰

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