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I was a coward, and a fucking Idiot. I had run away from La Push, and from Bella aswel. As i sat here thinking, and i remembered why i ran away.


" You ready to tell my Sister," I asked my darling.

" Of course, We've got Charlies, Blessing" She smiled, and i nodded. We headed toward my house, and i heard Bella's heart rate speed up.

" Hey calm down, my Sister will be happy" I said and she let out a small smile. We pulled into the drive way, and there was a car parked in my spot. I parked down the road a bit, i hoped out and opened the door for Bella. She held onto my hand, as we walked up the drive.

" Lisa you home," I called as i walked through the door.

" Yeah in the front room paul," She said. We headed to the front room and i froze in my spot.

" What is he doing here," I spat, and lisa just mouthed sorry.

" Ah paul long time, no see" My uncle said to me.

" Steven," I just nodded my head, and sat down with Bella.

" We have some good news's" Bella spoke up, and lisa smiled.

" Bella is Pregnant" I said, and Lisa jumped up.

" Oh my fucking god, I'm going to be a aunt" She said, and sat next to Bella.

" Oh bella thank you, so much" She said happily, and my uncle snorted.

" What are you even doing here," I asked, and he looked at me in shock.

" Today is the 5th December," He said.

" Yeah and" I said, and his face got redder.

" Today 7 years ago, your father died," He said. I sat there for a second, and he was right. My heart ached a little, and i just shrugged it off,.

" Yeah and what," I said.

" Not like he loved me, not like he even wanted me, abused me and my mum and im glad he's gone," I said. Bella just sat there looking at me, in shock.

" Say's the one that will be a shir father," He spat back.

" How do you know," I spat back, slowly loseing it.

" Because your like your fucking father, I knew he hit you and your whore of a mother. You will be just like him, a Abusive drunk" He shouted, and i just sat there thinking.

" Your right," I said. I got up and ran out the door, and phased. I could hear Bella scream, and Lisa but i didn't listen. My uncle was right, i would be like my dad.

End Flashback

I started to cry a little, i felt like such a failure. I had let Bella down, and my Unborn baby i was a terrible father. I sat here in Mexico, by a small lake thinking.

" Thought id find you here," Said a familiar voice.

" Mother," I said, and i was stunned.

" Yes darling, but I'm a ghost oh son why did you run away," She asked.

" Uncle Steven said i would be like dad," I said holding back tears.

" Oh son you'll never be your father, you have to much love inside you" She out her arm around me. All i felt was a slight chill down my spine, but smiled.

" Oh mother you would have loved Bella, she is so beautiful its unbelievable" I said and she smiled.

" Im with you always and i see her, and your right does she know how special you are," She asked.

" Yeah she does, and she still loves me for it"

" Well that's just wonderful son, you know ive watched you grow up into a handsome man" She crooned to me.

" Oh mum i miss you so much, and today of all days" I said and she sighed.

" I know son, but he can't cause no more pain" She said and i nodded.

" Mum what do i do," I asked almost in tears.

" You go back and prove your not your father, and be a good father and a loving husband, when you marry her" She said, straightening my top.

" Okay mum, i love you always" I whispered.

" Go son, i love you to" I stood up and turnd around, and she was gone. I let out a small cry and phased and ran home.

" Paul man where the fuck have you been,"

" You stupid asshole, do you know what Bella has been through"

" Dude get back home now, your girl needs you,"

" Okay guys, bye"

Dam fucking mates, but then again thats why they my friends. I could hear sobs, in the distance and sped up. I turned human and placed my shorts on, and took a deep breath.

" Bella" I said as i walked through the door. I was hit with punch to the face, and it knocked me back.

" What the fuck, why did you fucking leave me you stupid fucking asshole," She screamed and stormed out the door.

" Just leave her paul, but bro what the fuck" Lisa said to me.

" Steve struck a nerve, what if im like our dad lisa i don't want to be him"

" Hey now none, of that you'll never be dad now go and find her," Lisa said hugging me. I followed Bella's scent down to the beach, where i saw her sitting on a log.

" Im sorry, it just got to me and i was scared,"

" Paul . " She said.

" Please let me finish, i was scared and was a coward i love you more then anything and i want to be the perfect father, and i will be the perfect father. Just when Steve said, i don't know it triggered something inside me and i ran.

But then i saw my mum and spoke to her, and she made me realise everything i want and need is infront of me now. Bella your beautiful, and i love you with everything i have, and i promise when the time is right, i shall propose to you my darling," I said as i kissed her beautiful soft lips.

" Oh paul please don't leave me again, i can't bear it. We love you and we missed you like crazy," She said as she smiled, with her beautiful brown eyes. At that moment then, i knew i would love this woman and our child forever. I will not become my father, nor shall i ever hit Bella.


That's it Paul play happy families. You won't be happy for long, i have a plan my son and your precious soon to be Fiancee is part of it. Just you wait, its your fault all your fucking fault. Paul you shall die, and your Bella and unborn child shall die to. You may be a werewolf, but i am a Newborn and i could kill you in a instant. Sleep well little boy, for soon my vengeance shall be mine.


" Come on Jasper, we need to go" I called to my husband. As i sat there skimming through a Fashion Magazine, a vision hit me like a tone of bricks.

..Flash.. A Newborn attacking Bella, ..Flash.. Volturi ..Flash.. ..Newborn attacking Paul.. ..Flash.. Bella laying over a Lifeless body ..Flash..

" CARLISLE," I screamed. He came down along with everyone i explained my vision. Carlisle got on the pone to the Volturi, and i had to get hold of Paul.

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