Don't Marry Him

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Don't Marry him!

Me and Tanya was now a day away, and we decided to stop of in a hotel. Her being Vampire was fine, but i was still human with a heartbeat i needed sleep. We had our room together, but separate beds which was good.

" So how does you Dad know about Powers," I asked as we sat on the Balcony.

" Well my dad used to be part of the Volturi, i remember when the took him from us,"


I had just been turned, and i was in a strange place. Me and my Sisters, Irina, and Kate where Abandoned at a young age. We lived by our selfs for a while, until we came across this weird couple. They smiled at us, and they was beautiful.

" You don't look good," The woman said, and i didn't. I was skinny and under weight, thats what happened when you live on the streets.

" Come with us," The man said, and we followed. Within the week we was fully fed, and clothed. I had never had a mum and dad, so Elezar and Carmen where my parents now. After a month they had Adopted us, and we was never happier.

" We have a secret," They said to us one day.

" We are Vampires, and if you want you can become one of us," My dad said, and i was shocked. eventually we all agreed, and we was turned. A few days later, there was a tap at the door and these cloaked figures entered the house.

" Im Aro Volturi, ive come to speak to Elezar," The man said.

" What can i do for you, sir" My dad spoke, and the man smiled.

" Marcus tells us, you have a special talent" He said, and my dad nodded.

" That is correct, i can tell what Powers a Vampire holds" My dad said smiling.

" Please tell me," Aro had said.

" Okay Aro, you can read minds, Jane over there can Mentally torture you, Felix has his strength, Alec can blind and deafing you, my Kate can send Electric pulse through you, and Tanya has her beauty, want me to continue," My dad said, and i looked him shocked.

" Thats fine, We want you to join our guard we could use your help, Killing Newborns that Threaten to Expose us" Aro said, and i ran to my dad.

" No don't take my dad away," I said, holding onto him.

" Come now Tanya dear, its fine i accept Aro," My dad said, and i dry sobbed.

" Excellent, we must leave now," Aro said, and i sobbed more.

" Ill be back Tanya, i love you daughter please let everyone know" He said and i nodded.

" You know, your dad is right you have got your beauty," Felix said to me, and i blushed. With that he kissed my hand, and they left and i was alone.

End Flashback

" 20 years later, i got my father back" She said smiling,

" Wow some story," I said and she nodded.

" Do you ever think of Felix" I asked, and she smiled.

" I did i was even going to see him, but then i Saw Edward and my world changed," She then sighed.

" I think i would have been happy with Felix, he is such a handsom Vampire Edward comes close second," She smiled.

" Well i hope it works out, you know if Edward don't want to be with you," I said and she smiled.

" You know for a Wolf your pretty cool, and Bella is lucky to have you" She said, and left me alone. That night i feel asleep on the Balcony, it was peacful and i needed a good night's sleep.

" Come on paul, the wedding is in 4 hours," Tanya said shaking me. I quickly had shower, and we was on our way. We approaced the woods, we was about 15 miles from forks, and we had a hour to go. Luckily the woods where longer then 15 miles.

" Want to ride on me, or run" I said

" It will be quicker with me on your back," She said. I nodded and phased, and knelt down. She grabbed onto my fur, and i was off. I ran as fast as a i could to get there in time.

" Hey Alice is Tanya, me and Paul are on our way,"

" What the fuck, how did you meet"

" We met in Canada, but we are 10 miles away"

" Okay see you soon,"

" Bye alice,"

She had called alice, to let her know we was on our way.

" Come on paul we have 15 minutes," She whisperd and i focused, and picked up the pace. I felt my body work and i went into overdrive. I had never ran this fast before, it felt amazing better then amazing. We was a few minutes away when we was greeted by alice.

" Here," she said chucking me some shorts. I quickly grabbed them in my mouth and phased behind a tree.

" What's the Situation," Tanya asked.

" Well your dad, said Edward has the power to Manipulate Emotions, he can make a person do something with his mind," She said. I started to shake, and deep down i knew she never loved him.

" Also the Volturi are here, don't worry all has been explained and they won't kill you," Alice said to me and i nodded.

" Also Alec will cloud Edwards mind, so Bella Realises what she is doing," Rose said, coming towards us.

" Now paul get ready, here" She handed me some clean clothes. I quickly got changed, and walked towards the wedding. I saw edward standing there, with a smug smile on his face. Bella came into view looking beautiful as ever, man she looked good. I stood there waiting for, the vicar to say his lines.

" Does anyone here Object to these to getting married," That was my cue. I got up and shouted

" Don't marry him" I said, and Bella looked at me like she was about to rip my head off.

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