The Box

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Readers P.O.V

I feel cold air rushing around me, and sensed that there was a blanket over me as well. I can hear the clanking of metal on metal, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, it was also then when I realized I was paralyzed. it was weird to be fully conscious but not be able to see my surroundings or move. Just then I realized that the metal box I was in had slowed down and I heard the metal scream as the contraption came to a full stop. A bright light hit my eyelids through the blanket, and I could hear people talking above me they all sounded so masculine. I could feel someone jump into the box and pull back the sheet on top of me, the light intensified and I could feel the rays of sun hitting my body. There was a gasp right next to my face, and I heard a boy with a thick British accent say "Its a bloody girl... I think she's dead". I wanted to scream and tell them that I was alive but I still couldn't move or talk. As I struggled trying to move, to make a sound, anything, the boy with the British accent started to yell at the people above us to "go get Jeff and Clint". Who were Jeff and Clint, who was the British boy above me, where was I. Just then, I felt someone else jump into the box, it swayed with the added new weight. I felt an arm wrap around my back and another slip under my knees. I was being picked up, bridal style. The person's shirt who had picked me up smelled strongly of fresh cut wood and I could feel his muscles barely straining to carry me.

*** Gally's P.O.V ***

She was so light in my arms as I carried her across the glade, to the homestead. When I got there, I placed her on the bed for the med-jacks to treat her. Jeff And Clint motion towards the door, signaling that I can leave now. I'm reluctant to leave her there alone, she seemed as fragile as a rose. But, I have to. I steal one last look at her laying on the bed her, chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. "Notify me if anything happens, anything at all," I say right as I close the door behind me.

as I walked back to the builder's area, I couldn't get her out of my head. 

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