Request (This is Not a Real Update)

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This is a request from weareallabitdark

warning contains mature content:

I woke up just like any other day and started to get ready. When I was dressed I left the hut I slept in. It was a requirement made by Alby because I was the only girl in a glade of boys. As soon as I stepped out of the hut I heard my best friend Newt call my name.

"Shylah!" I looked in his direction to see him coming towards me. 

"What?" I called. 

"Well, I just thought I should tell you that almost everyone is going out into the maze to check out the dead Griver they found, and also to ask if you want to come along?" 

"Dead Griver? no thanks, I'm staying." newt shrugged and walked away, most likely to spread the news that I was not going on there 'little outing'. I went to the med-jack hut to get my assignment for the day. I never have breakfast, I'm just not hungry in the morning. 

When I got to the hut Jeff and Clint were putting medical supplies in a bag 

"thank god you're here" Jeff said continuing to put stuff in his bag 

"everyone is going into the maze, we're going to just in case they need us. are you staying?"

"Uh, yeah," I say. 

"good that. You're in charge today." and just like that, I was all alone in the glade. or at least I thought I was until I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Chuck. He is the youngest boy in the glade at 13 years old. I was 15 so he was only 2 years younger. he was always getting picked on for not being as strong, for his weight, for well everything. 

"Hi," he said as he walked up to me.

"Hey" I responded.

"Can I ask you a question?" he paused after saying this.

"Sure, ask away."

"what's sex?" I was a bit surprised by his question. 

"what makes you ask?" 

"Well, all the guys always say stuff about how much they want to have sex with you."

"Really?" This was a bit shocking, as to the fact that I was the only girl and any of the boys could have easily acted upon these thoughts and I could not have fought back.  

"Yeah, really." He clarified.  

"Can I ask another question?" I just nodded my head.

"Will you have sex with me?" I thought for a minute and then said...

"Yes." I mean what was the worst that could happen. If it will stop some of the bullyings he faces every day then sure. 

He looked surprised, then happy. 

---------------------------------------------I don't want to go into detail, but you and Chuck did it----------- 

Wondering around the mostly empty Glade I hear the noises of the returning Gladers. I run into a hut a little embarrassed about what Chuck and I did earlier. 

"I DID IT, I HAD SEX WITH SHYLAH" Chuck was screaming this at the top of his lungs.

Well, time to disappear forever I thought as I locked the hut door and slid down the wall with my face in my hands.  



I hope you guys enjoyed the request and remember you can make one anytime you like. 

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