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Y/N's P.O.V

I could feel them starting to come after me. I spotted a barn coming up and ran into it.  I didn't think I just dove behind a pile of hay. 


"Ahh!" I turn to see a large black dog with brown spots dotting its body in an irregular pattern. Its teeth were beared and a low growl was coming from the back of his throat. I could feel his hot breath tickling my neck for he was right beside me. I reached my fist out allowing the dog to smell my sent. I don't know why I had this impulse, but it just felt like the right thing to do. The next thing I know the dog pushed me down and was now licking my face and wagging his tail. I couldn't help but laugh partly because I am so ticklish, the other part is that I had previously thought this dog was going to kill me.

I was so caught up in the moment I didn't hear the people coming up behind me. The dog all of a sudden stopped and looked up I followed his gaze until my eyes met a group of boys all out of breath and red-faced staring down at me. I held back the urge to laugh at them. 

A pushed through the crowd and looked at me. He had Beautiful ginger hair, chocolatey brown eyes and a smile the could light up the sky.  

"I see you've met Bark" he pointed at the dog that was still just staring at the crowd. 

"The names Newt by the way" This boy or Newt had the most adorable British accent. 

"Y/N" I reply. Newt holds out his hand to help me up. I'm hesitant at first because he's a total stranger but there's something in his eyes that makes me feel like I can trust him. I reach my hand up to meet him halfway. I don't know why but when our hands touched I felt something almost familiar about his soft skin. 

Bark apparently did not trust them because when I took Newts hand he began to growl again. 

"Its okay buddy" I try to reassure him. I have no idea if it worked or not but he stopped. When I was on my feet Newt motioned for me to follow him."

"We need to have a meeting of the keepers," he said to everyone else. And then to me, he said: "And you need to come to meet Alby and go over some things."

He started walking when everyone had cleared out and it was just us alone in the barn with Bark. I began to walk after him but Bark just sat there still. I looked back at him and he cocked his head slightly and looked at me confused. I patted my thigh two times. He sprung up and fallowed me the rest of the way to the hut where I was supposed to meet Alby.   


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