Heartbeat Part 2

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***Newt's P.O.V***

After Gally left the room it was just me and her. I walked forward slowly until I was on the right side of the bed she was in, I just stared at her face for a few moments. When I've taken in her beauty I lift up the shirt she's wearing to take a good look at her abdomen. the baby bump doesn't look that big yet, placing my hand on her tummy it startles me how small she is. I mean my hand pretty much completely covers her exposed skin. 

After a few minutes of shock, I removed my hand and pulled down the shirt. 

how is she going to survive here like that? It just doesn't seem right. how could the creators do this to her, to any of us? 

I sit down on the end of her bed and sigh, trying to calm myself down when I feel the sheets move I look over at her and she's starting to wake up. In a panic, I yell "Jeff, Clint" they come running in with Gally close behind. As soon as the Medjacks see her moving they run up to her and listen to her heart, check her eyes and puls. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I can move! Finally. Shifting in the bed I'm in, I still can't open my eyes but this is a start. I hear a boys voice yell but I can't quite tell what he said, because I'm too busy remembering my discovery before I blacked out earlier. I snap out of my thoughts when all of a sudden feel hands on poking and prodding me. someone pry open my eyes and shines a small flashlight at me. I blink and push his hand away. a chorus of gasps escapes from the room. Sitting up I rub my eyes and let my vision clear.

Looking around the room I see a few trays with medical equipment on it a chair and four boys staring at me in shock.  They look to be 16 to around 18, there all well built and tall.

I jump up out of the bed ignoring the pain and spell of dizziness that fits as soon as I'm on my feet and run. I run out the door of the room I'm in into a hallway but, I don't stop. Dashing out of the hut into a huge field, I stop dead in my tracks and just stare in shock. I hear yelling and footsteps behind me. there chasing me "shit" I curse under my breath and look around for a place to hide just then a huge gap in the walls that seem to be surrounding the area I'm in. that's my target, I just have to get to the door and I'll be safe. I took off as fast as I could not even looking behind me to see if they're still following me, as I near the door I see a figure rounding the bend running towards me they look exhausted and surprised when they see me bolting at them. I wonder why but don't slow down just as I reach the threshold I feel arms wrapping themselves tightly around my waist and holding me back. I fight and struggle but their grip is one of stone.       

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