The Waiting

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***Gallys P.O.V***

   I walked back to the builder's area, which was located by the east wall of the maze. When I got there, I headed straight for the woodshed to pick up logs that I was planning to turn into some roofing for the homestead because it had worn out. My next stop was the tool table where I got myself a saw and some sanding paper to make the boards. I piled up the logs in my arms and balanced the saw and paper on top. God, she was lighter than the logs I was carrying. On my short journey to my workbench, I almost tripped twice because I was lost in my thoughts about that girl. When I got to the bench safely I let the logs roll off my arms and onto the ground, just barely missing my steel toe brown boots. Time seemed to crawl by as I worked on the boards.

***Newts P.O.V***

  I walked towards the tree house in search of Alby, who had run off after we unloaded the box.  He always came here to think. who knows what of the many problems he was thinking about, probably the fact the new greenie was a bloody girl. I tried to keep her off my mind, but it was hard. I got to the bottom of the wooden ladder I yelled up "Alby you bugger, get out here. everyone is so confused" I wait a minute, no response. " Alby, I know you are up there we need to talk". when I finish I hear someone moving to ladder and I can see him coming down as I look up. "Newt call a gathering." he looked dead serious as he talked "right now Newt I haven't got all day". he seems upset, but I do as he says no questions asked.     

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