Out Cold

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

When I got to the Med-Jacks hut they had me lay down on one of the beds. The routine was short, all they really did was poke and prod me. When they were done they told me to go find Newt and he would help me find my bed. I stood up and the room started to spin, I lost my balance and finally, my eyes clouded over. 


Gallys P.O.V

I hear a thump just as I walk by the Med-Jacks and I rush in to see what made the sound it was Y/N laying on the ground unconcise, Jeff and Clint were already at her side and lifting her up onto the bed I assumed she had just gotten out of.  They laid her on the bed and pulled the covers up over her barely visible baby bump. 

Jeff and Clint walked outside the room and pulled me with them outside. They explained that she had most likely fainted from over-exhaustion but that not eating dinner did not help. I went back to my sleeping spot and made a promise to myself that I would go see her when I woke up. 

I woke up at the first light and headed straight over to the Med-Jacks hut to see Y/N. I walked in and went to the bed that Jeff and Clint had put her in after she fainted. Y/N looked so peaceful chest rising and falling in such a graceful way. My eyes traveled down to her abdomen where a new life was growing and I couldn't help but put my hand on her bump. It was like magic for a moment until she stirred and I jumped back pulling away my hand. I just stood there after that and about 10 minutes later her eyelids fluttered open and she looked at me. I walked up to her bed and looked down, she just stared up at me eyes big. Minho, Jeff, and Clint came into the room. I backed away from her bedside and walked out of the room. 

I headed for Frypans kitchen looking for breakfast. As I sat down at the Builder's table with my plate of food. I looked up to see Y/N, Miho, and the other Runners heading into the maze. I pretended not to notice.        



Hey, guys, I'm so sorry this chapter is so short. I just really wanted to get one out, there the next one will be longer I promise. 

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