The Note

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***Newts P.O.V***

After rounding up all the Keepers outside in the Glade, I made my way to the Med-jacks hut knocking on the door before I entered.

"Alby called a meeting of the keepers right now"I Hollard. I can hear Jeff and Clint hurrying around in the room with the girl. "we had a minor set back. Tell Alby we will be there when we can" they said in unison.

I walk out of the hut and into the darkening glade, the doors were already closed. I limped as fast as I could towards the meeting room, not wanting to aggravate Alby more. I got there and the first thing I heard was Alby

"where are Jeff and Clint"I pause for a moment and then repeat what they told me. "They had a minor set back they will be here as soon as they can." Alby does not look happy about this. "better be soon" he mumbled

Everyone took their seat and a silence fell over the boys as Alby raised his hand to symbolize he was going to talk. "as all you know the new greenie is a girl, but what this meeting is actually about is a note I found in the box along with a crate of supplies. I decided not to read the whole thing without you guys so I'm going to read it now." 

A note? what? I hear mummers all around me the rest of the boys seem just as confused as I am. Alby clears his throat to get our attention. once the silence falls again Alby begins to read...


Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to give you guys a cliffhanger.

Thank you so much to  lovee_newt for my new (better) cover. check out their work, please it would mean a lot to me.

see you guys later 

How to Deal With A Girl In The Glade {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now