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Y/N's P.O.V 

I wake up in a bed. I turn my head to the window on my left. The sky is a beautiful orange and pink mix. I try to sit up only to find that whatever James did hurt a lot. Fighting through the pain I finally got to my feet and hobbled my way to the door frame. I could hear no noise coming from anywhere so I decided to go exploring and maybe find a bit of food I was pretty hungry, in fact, I couldn't remember the last time I ate. As I got used to my sore joints I was able to move better. I got out of the hut I was in and went outside, there was still no one. I was only in a long shirt underwear and a bra yet the air didn't feel cold to me. I looked around and decided to go see the barn where I had first found Bark.

 My bare feet felt good on the grass as I ran. just as I neared the big structure I saw a dog snout poke out the door and sniff. Barks head popped out and we ran to each other. She licked and licked my face but I didn't mind.  this went on for about two minutes until I heard someone calling,


"Y/N." It sounded like Newt. 

"Over here," I called.

He came over to me and explained that the med jacks were looking for me.

"Oh, sorry." I apologized

"So, Alby wants you to start running today"


"yeah. he told me to come to get you."

"ok. I'll be there in a minute"

he walked away and I looked back at Bark who just cocked his head at me. 

"Bye, buddy sees you later."

I walked over to Newt who was talking to an Asian boy. 

"Y/N meet Minho, Minho meet Y/N"

the boy named Minho stuck his hand out I shook it. He the picked up a bag that was beside him and handed it to me.

"here you go, put it on your back. It has water, food and a weapon"

"thank you," I said. I slipped it on my back. he then handed me a piece of toast. 

"Eat up." he said. 

I ate the pice of toast while the boys watched me. when I was finished Newt patted me on the back and said 

"Good luck" then he walked away.

the sun was almost up and I heard a terrible grinding noise and looked at the doors. they were opening. 

"that's our call." He took off running toward the opening in the wall. I followed.


We got back to the maze after a long day of running and I was so hungry. Minho and I had eaten lunch about 3 hours ago and I was dying. I couldn't wait for dinner. But when I got to where the other boys were eating Alby pulled me aside and said.

"Hey, its time for you to go to the Med-jacks."

So I headed off to the hut. It felt like I had been spending to much time there.

How to Deal With A Girl In The Glade {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now