Just In Time

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Gally's P.O.V

"Hah, got her." She struggled, trying to get out of my arms I tightened my grip around her so she couldn't escape. Minho and the rest of the boys gathered around as the doors closed. 

I let go of her waist, and she crashed to the ground, landing on her hands and knees. She coughed, then just kind of rolled over on to her side curling up using her hand for a pillow as if it were all a dream and when she would wake up she'd be in her bed at home. Minho kneeled down and poked her with his finger.  no response, he poked her again. she shifted to her back brought her hand to her face to cover her eyes before she opened them. it was the first time I got a good look at her eyes, they were stunning. One was Such a dark brown it was almost black, and the other was a grayish-blue with golden flecks.

As soon as I could look away I scanned the crowd, everyone looked shocked. turning my attention back to her I saw something flicker in her eyes. 

Before I even knew what was happening I heard Minho shout in pain "shuck." The next thing I know she's making another run for it. Damn this girl is fast, shes almost half way to the slaughterhouse. 

And so when every boy got back there wits we took off in a mob-style after her. 


Sorry, the chapter is so short and very overdue.

P.S. The condition she has that makes her eyes different colors is called Heterochromia  

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