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***Gally's P.O.V***

It's a heartbeat! light but still there. that's why everyone was so shocked, she was pregnant. after I got my turn to listen, it still was shocking to me. I pulled the part of the stethoscope that goes in your ear and all I could do was turn to the group in surprise.

"well I guess that's what they meant when they said 'take care of the baby.'" Alby stated no one answered. The rest of the Keepers, like me, we're still processing this new information. "come to get me if she starts to wake up" and with that Alby pushes his way out of the room. 

everyone slowly trickles out of the room at there own pace. eventually, it's just me and Newt. I watch Newt, he hasn't said a word sense he heard the light fluttering of a baby's heart inside this strange, beautiful girl. I mean it was understandable I also hadn't said anything, it was just too shocking. it was a girl who couldn't be older than 16, was pregnant, and comatose! Jeff and Clint were in the room next door, I had more questions I needed answers so I decided to go ask them. 

I walk into the hallway and say "how far along is she" all Jeff and Clint do is look up at me in confusion. "how far along is she"I repeat, but this time pointing to the half-open door behind me. they seem to finally understand my question because Jeff answers with "12 weeks"


Sorry its so short guys, I had an archery tournament this weekend. I'll try to update soon!

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