The Rabbit

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A/n the song is not related to the chapter but its good and reminds me of TMR.


Gally's P.O.V

The day went on as usual. I worked with some of the other Builders under Alby's orders to make Y/N a hut. we got pretty far and then it was dinner time, I packed up the tools and headed off to get in line for Frypan's food. I got my food and headed over to my regular table the rest of the builders sat down. We just sat there eating in silence as Minho and Y/N walked by then Stephen said 

"I would totally hit that." there was a chorus of yeses from the table. God this infuriated me, how could they talk about her like that. it did not make me any happier when Kasey chimed in, 

"Such a shame she's pregnant, that just ruins it for me." Who the suck do they think they are. 

I get up and walk away into the Deadheads, the one place I can go where I'm alone. 

Y/N's P.O.V

This time after I went out running in the maze with Minho they let me eat dinner. thank god I was so hungry. I then started my daily trek to the Med-jacks hut, this time was better because I ran into Newt along the way there. We talked about how all the Gladers were being really weird to me and he explained that I was the first girl ever in the Glade. I didn't hear much of what he said, I was to busy getting lost in his hypnotic British accent. 

The routine with the Med-jacks was always the same; they'd poke and prod me and listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. I slept in the Med-jacks hut for a little while longer only until the adorable hut that the builders built for me was done. the first time I saw it I was so happy I ran up and hugged Gally with all my might. He was taken back and left as soon as I let go. the inside was cut there was a mattress on the floor with sheets and a blanket, a tiny bassinet in one corner with a smaller blanket and a little white stuffed rabbit with a yellow ribbon tied around the neck in a bow, but the best part of all was that the door locked from the inside. there was a latch that could be flipped down and it would keep the door from opening. 

It made me so happy that people had done this for me that I started to cry. Curse you pregnancy hormones. 

The first week I spent in the glade was the hardest thing I've ever done, but with the help of Newt and some other Gladers, I survived.


A/N: I wrote this one kinda different I hope you enjoy! Oh, don't forget to vote and comment it would make my day!!              

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