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Y/N's P.O.V

As I walked behind Newt I noticed he had a limp. 

"Hey. So I know this is a bit abrupt, but you do know your eyes are two different colors right?"

With this question, Newt pulled me out of my state of thought.

"uhh yeah. I think its a condition called Hetorcrmia. It's all so foggy"

"Don't worry none of us remember any detail of anything, W.I.C.K.E.D makes sure of it."

I wonder what W.I.C.K.E.D is, but before I could ask Newt we had gotten to a large structure. I imagined this was the hut with Alby and the other keepers in it. I looked at Newt who motioned to the door as if to say go on. Before I opened the door I glanced at Bark who looked up at me. 

"you have to stay here." Looking back at Newt I nodded. He pulled open the door and I stepped into the room. 

Everyone turns around to see who has just entered. I take another step forward and Newt steps in behind me closing the door. 

"Hey, guys this in Y/N," Newt announces. All I can do is just awkwardly look at them. 

"Well Y/N I'm Alby." His voice sounds familiar, but I don't recognize him. He has dark skin, brown eyes, although they did not have the same comfort as Newt. Newt put his hands on my shoulders and lead me to a chair in the ring of people he called "The Keepers."

As soon as I was seated Newt went across from my place and sat on the chair next to Alby. I wondered why he sat there. Before I could ask. 

"I call this meeting to order." Says Alby.

"We are here to discuss the fate of Y/N. W.I.C.K.E.D has sent us a small list of instructions. Jeff and Clint also have some news, would you care to share it for all the people who don't already know?" I turned my head to look where Alby and everyone else was, just to see two boys glancing around the room. 

"Yes, we would" the shorter one finally said. 

"Go on then." I could tell Alby wasn't a very patient person. 

"Well umm, Y/N is around 12 weeks... pregnant." everyone turned their attention to me and then I could feel the entire aura in the room change after that bit of information. I shrunk down in my chair trying to hide away from the eyes that stared at me. I close my eyes hoping to disappear. The next thing I know I hear footsteps, I open my eyes and see a looming presence I have to tilt my head up to look at there face. Its a tall boy ide say around 6'1", well built with black hair and blue eyes. 

"Not only are you a girl, but you're also pregnant?! I mean what the shuck are you doing here. I vote we banish her" 

Banish that doesn't sound good. 

"Don't worry, we're not going to banish you" said Alby. Thank god Alby was the leader not this lunatic. 

"Oh really?"  he said. He grabbed my shirt collar which was more of a dress on me and picked me up. He was pretty much choking me. 

"Let her go, James," said Alby while some of the other keepers sprang into action to separate his hold on me. Just as someone lunged at James the world became blurry and I slipped into darkness.

How to Deal With A Girl In The Glade {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now