chapter 6

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i noticed it was raining outside, so i stood outside Niall's wardrobe in my bra and knickers. Niall appeared once more and began kissing my neck. "Mm Niall" i moaned through my breath before gigging and stepping closer to the wardrobe. "I can't help it i just love you so much Chelsey" he groaned moving closer to you and leaning his head in the crook of your neck. "I love you too Nialler, can i borrow some clothes? or are we going out today?" i said. "We're all gonna stay in and watch a film " Niall said before leaning forwards and picking up a shirt for me to wear and began rummaging around for his hoodie. "Niall i'll look for it, but seeing as you're being so nice i can do what ever you want later okay?" i said winking at him. "Mhm seems like a good deal, seeing as i'm already dressed i'll think i'll just stay here" he said laying down on the bed.  " Okay then Nialler" i said pulling on the shirt  , and crawling on the floor to the bottom of the wardrobe to find his hoodie. i found it underneath a box of things, pulling the box out as i pulled out the hoodie. "What is this?" i asked before pulling it up to the bed.  "Oh no you can't look at that" Niall said pulling the box out of my hands. "Whats so bad about it?" i asked feeling confused. "Okay, seeing as i love you" he said opening the box. "they're really young and embarrasing pictures of me and my family" he said placing the box down on the bed. i began to open it, i pulled out a picture of Niall when he looked about 10. "awww you were so cute" i said laughing. "Hey, am i not cute now?" Niall said playfully. "Nahhhhhh" i said winking, but then causing Niall to pull an upset face. "You're not just cute, you're hot." i said seriously. "Thanks Chelsey" he said winking. i began to rummage through the box and look at more photos of the young, cute Nialler. "Guys we're putting a film on" Zayn shouted opening the door, once again to see me and Niall in a moment. "Oh crap sorry, i should really knock" Zayn said before walking off. "it's fine, it's not your fault" i shouted back happily. "oh gosh, i forgot to go see my sister" i said to Niall worriedly. "go now, i'll tell the boys to pause the film" Niall agreed. "Here pull on some of my jeans"  he said handing me some, so i wasn't exposed to the cold when i left.  i ran from Niall's apartment and arrived at mine, well my sisters and opened the door. "I have to tell you something Chelsey" my sister said sat down at the table. i sat down next to her. "I need to leave,and i know that you've already been through this Chelsey, but you're gonna have to find somewhere else to live" i sat in silence, i had so much fun and i had to leave already. This wasn't fair.  "Unless you can find somewhere to stay around here" i thought for a second before wondering, what about the boys? "maybe i could ask the boys?" i asked her. "That would be a good idea, seeing as you've been spending a lot of time with them recently, maybe they would" she said with a smile. "I need to leave tonight, so please be ready" she said kissing my cheek. "i have to go to work, i might see you later" and with that she left. I was scared about asking the boys this, no denying. Was i ready to live with 5 boys? i did have fun with them though. and they were like my best friends now, maybe this would be a good idea? all they had to do was agree. i picked up my phone and searched for Niall's number, oh dear it's not there. none of the boys had even given me their numbers, boy i was gonna have to go get them. I went round and knocked on the door, and Niall answered. "We're just about to start the film come in" he said smiling, i began to cry a little. "what's wrong Chelsey?" he said stepping out of the door and closing it behind him. "my sisters moving, so i have to find somewhere else to live" i said at the thought of leaving. I couldn't have the boys take me in, they have their own lives to live. "You could stay with us?" Niall suggested. "Niall, i couldn't do that" i said. "no, you have no choice in this, otherwise i'm gonna lose my girlfriend aren't i?" Niall said stroking my cheek and wiping away my tears. "She leaves tonight" i told him. "well, we better get a move on with your packing then shouldn't we?" he said hugging me tightly. "Thank you Niall" i said kissing his cheek. "Boys don't start the film yet, me and Chelsey have to do something" he shouted to the boys and we ran to my apartment. i picked up my bag and threw all of my belongings into it, i still had quite a lot of clothes in there as i hadn't unpacked yet so it didn't take long. "I'm done" i said picking up my bag, but once again failing. "Here let me help you" he said picking up my bag. "How on earth do you carry that without struggling?" i asked him, trying to recreate the moment when we first met. He remembered and played along. he placed the bag down and began to flex his muscles in front of me. "well uh.. " he said. i had to hold onto him to keep me from losing my balance. "kiss me" he said in a quick tone. "Niall i'm pretty sure that's not what happened" i said winking. He took my wrist gently and pulled me around so his hans were on my waist and i was staring into his eyes. "Kiss me" he said once more. I didn't even have to think before my lips were crashed against his with passion. "what are you guys doing?" I heard a voice sound through my flat, i left the door unlocked. those boys never knock. i began to laugh in the kiss when  the door opened to reveal, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry. "So are you guys... like... together now?" Liam asked. I looked at Niall and smiled. "Yeah buddie" he said chuckling. "Well, whats all this?" Louis asked looking down at the bag on the floor. "Well boys... i was gonna tell you i promise" Niall started. "Chelsey's sister is leaving so i said she could stay with us... is that okay?" he looked at the boys, they began to talk amongst themselves before Louis shouted."we'd love that" Niall picked me up and spun me around. "Yay" he exclaimed as he placed me down and picked up my bags, we walked over to Niall and the boys apartment, where i was now going to live. "You can stay in my room" Niall said excitedly. "I'd like that" i replied happily, before Niall placed my bag down in his room and ran to the living room where we were all sat. Niall sat down next to me and placed his arm around me. "I love movie days, but especially when i get to sit next to you for all this time" he whispered into my ear. i turned around and kissed his cheek. "don't i deserve more than that for carrying your bags missy?" he said slowly but sexily. I put my finger onto his chin and stroked it slightly before pulling him in and kissing him. "Hey get a room" Liam said laughing. me and Niall stopped but Niall pulled me back. "i don't need a room" he said chuckling before pulling me back in and kissing me more. The movie began to start and the boys brought out some popcorn. Niall began to eat it down quickly. "sorry babe would you like some?" he said feeling embarrased he had just nearly eaten half of what we had. "Sure" i said taking  a handfull and eating it as the movie continued. All of a sudden there was a scary scene. "Ahhhh" i screamed hiding my head into Niall's chest. the boys began laughing. " you didn't tell me it was a scary movie" i screamed. "Babe if you don't wanna watch it, lets go outside for a walk" Niall suggested. "Okay thanks Nialler" i said getting up and eyeing the boys. "I'll get you later" i said taking Niall's hand. "Especially you Harry, seeing as you chose the movie" i said laughing and walking out of the door, i gave the boys a quick wink before closing it. " me and Niall reached the door which led outside, and we saw that it was raining. "It's raining Niall" i said and backed away, he pulled my hood up and pulled me along. "It'll be fun, i promise, you never know dreams can come true" he said winking and leading us outside.we walked hand in hand until we reached a shelter where we sat down and talked about everything. "you know the first time i saw you i thought you were beautiful" Niall said taking my hand. "and i'm so glad that you're mine" he said happily. "Me too Nialler" i said taking my hand and ruffling his hair, but then moving it down and stroking his cheek. "I love you Chelsey" he said taking my hand again. "i love you too Nialler" i giggled. "you know, i have never been this happy in a relationship" i smiled. "what about..." Niall began. "Him? No.. there was just something, even on the perfect days i had with him... there was something always there telling me that he was hiding something from me, like... another side of him... and that showed the other day" i said trailing off. "and how do you feel on our perfect days?" Niall said stroking my cheek and brushing my hair back. "every day is perfect with you" i said happily. I began to lean in, i touched his nose with mine, before leaning in to kiss him. He pulled away. "Wait" he said, before looking outside and back at me. "come with me" he said smiling and holding out his hand. i took it before he pulled me up and outside. it was still raining.. was he going to? he wouldn't know.. he couldn't know... my perfect kiss? He picked me up and spun me around in the ran. He took my hand and pulled me closer before placing his hands on my hips, he stared into my eyes. He had a glint in his eyes that drove me wild, he leaned his forehead against mine and touched his nose with mine. He began to kiss my forehead, down to my nose before down to my lips. He started slowly, but then entered his tongue into my mouth. words couldn't even describe how i feel right now. this boy gets more and more perfect every single day. He moved his hands down to my bum, and i wrapped my arms around his neck. After we finally broke from the kiss, we were soaked but i didn't even care. He looked so sexy with rain dripping down his face, and dripping off his chin. He pulled me in close, so there was no room left between our bodies. He moved his mouth to my ear, and his breath tickled my skin. "Perfect" he whispered. i leaned back so i was looking him in the eyes. "How did you know?" I Whispered. "I know you Chelsey, i know what you like" he said smiling proudly. "You're amazing, you know that?"  i told him, still whispering. "Oh, i've been told a few times" he said still grinning. He took my hand. "Lets go back inside, the film should be finished by now, and you can choose the next one" he said. "Lets go" i said beginning to run inside out of the rain. We entered the apartment which caused the boys to look at us. "Whoah look at you two, you're soaked" Louis shouted. "I don't care at this moment in time" Niall said with a chuckle and went over and hugged the boys. "Uhhh Niall, you've soaked us!" Zayn shouted. "Here Niall let me help you" i said jumping on top of the boys and soaking them even more. "Hey Chelsey you're evil" Harry said giggling. "I said i'd get you all, especially you Harry" i said jumping on top of him and giving him a big hug. "Chelsey" he shouted whilst laughing and struggling to get up. "Hah" i said slumping down on the sofa next to Harry. His face now had little drops of water dripping down it,and his curls were slightly wet. I stared at him for a while before he turned around and noticed. "Hey, you staring at me?" he said nudging me. "No i wasn't..." i said turning to the television. "Hey babe, i saw you" he said to me slowly and kissed my cheek. I rested my head onto his shoulder before Niall came and sat next to me, "hey darlin it's your choice" Niall said. I got up and rummaged through the films. "Hey, who watches chick flicks here?" i said pulling out some that i had found. "Oh um..." Harry said. "harold is it you?" i asked giggling a little. "Maybe... well.. Yea okay i like some of them!" Harry said. "Okay then, seeing as we have some, i'll put one on, and seeing as you like them Harry you can choose" i said giving him a selection. "Okay that one" he said blushing. "oh Harold you blushing cos i revealed your secret?" i said winking at him and putting the film on. "You're mean" Harry said pouting. "Thanks Hazza" i said ruffling his curls. i sat back down next to him again. "I told you i'd get you back, i think i'm done here" i whispered into his ear, his curls moving slightly with my breath. He placed a hand on my knee. "Babe, you may be done, but i haven't even started" he said whispering into my ear. "And what are you going to do harold?" i whispered. "you'll see" he whispered close to my ear. I nodded and gave him a wink before resting my head on Niall's shoulder. "i love you" i whispered up to Niall. "I love you too" he said kissing my forehead and concentrating on the film....

Love conquers all. A Niall Horan fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now