Chapter 17.

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I must have fallen asleep slumped across Niall, because i checked the time and 2 hours had passed. I groaned a little, as i sat up too quickly and my head began to spin,i placed my head back onto Niall's chest, careful not to hurt him. i never thought he could be this fragile, this vunerable. But he was still my Niall and i loved him with all my heart. He was my everything, and i wasn't letting go again. I promised myself that, even through the worse times.. i'm never gonna let go of Niall. No matter who tried to break us up, Tom.. or anyone else. We had to make sure they failed.  I heard Niall groan a little so i sat up and looked him into the eyes. "babe?" he said moving his finger to underneath my chin. "Yes?" i whispered. "Promise me, not matter what... you'll never leave me" he whispered, i got lost in his sparkling blue eyes, even though he was hurt and bruised, he was still beautiful. "I promise" i whispered moving in and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. I finally realised that we were alone so i pulled back for a second. "Where are the others?" i asked him. "i told them they could leave if they wanted to, it's been a long day..." he said trailing off. "I need you to promise me something" i said seriously. "Anything" he said as he began to play with my hair. "I need you to promise you won't do anything like that ever again... because i honestly don't think i can cope with seeing you this hurt again.." i told him, gazing into his eyes so he knew i was serious. "With you by my side, i wont" he smiled. "I Need you to promise me Niall" i said moving my hand to his hair and running my hands through it slowly. "I promise" he said. "I'll hold you to it" i said giggling a little. "I'll hold you to mine too" he said moving closer so our foreheads touched. "I love you forever" he whispered, he winced a little as i must have touched a bruised part on his head with my forehead. "Niall, i don't wanna hurt you" i said moving back a little. "You're not" he argued with a smile. "All i want right now, is you" he said. I sat on the edge of the bed, and moved so my nose touched his. "Oh and Niall... i will love you for all of eternity" i said giggling. "Mhm, i'll hold you to that" he said winking. Our lips edged closer as we spoke. "You hold me to everything" i whispered. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, he leaned in closer and he kissed my lips gently. The kiss reminded me about Louis, making me pull away. "Niall.. i.." i began to say. "What's up?" he asked. "I need to confess something..."i said. "what?" he asked. "I... you're gonna hate me..." i said backing away. He took my hand. "I don't care what it is, you're being honest and i like that..." he said smiling. "You just need to say what it is, and i will forgive you.. if it's something that happened when  we broke up.. then i don't care" he said. "Okay.... i.. well.. you know when i said i got really drunk... like the most drunk that i have ever been.?" i said. He nodded and held my hands tighter. "Well Louis got drunk with me... and... we kinda... kissed... a lot" i said, i felt my eyes burning up. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, i felt so ashamed. "Hey, look at me" he said. "I can't Niall, i hate myself for this" i told him. "I told you i'd forgive you for anything, and it didn't happen when we were together.." he said lifting up my chin to stare him in the eyes. "I just feel like everytime we break up, i go and do something stupid.. but i thought it was over Niall.. i really did" i said gazing into his eyes. "Hey.. it's okay... just as long as it's not when we're together.. but as we're getting married.. you're stuck with me" he said, i let out a little giggle. "I love to be stuck with you Niall" i said. "Hmm and i know where" he said with a wink. I realised what he meant and laughed a little. "Niall, you're so dirty minded" i said trying to control my laughter. "It's why you love me though" he said with a wink. "Even when you're like this you're hilarious, i love you Horan" i said ruffling his hair. "I'm being serious though..." he looked into my eyes seriously. "I know you were" i said leaning close to his ear and whispering. As i pulled back he gazed into my eyes and pulled me down onto the bed. He leaned in and began to kiss me, He moved his hands to my waist and picked me up so i was on top of him. I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm not meant to be doing this Niall, i don't wanna hurt you... i've said this before.." i said beginning to get up. "The blinds are closed, and the Nurses won't come until later..." He said pulling me back down. "Bu.." i began. "Shhh" he said placing his finger onto my lips and leaning up to kiss me. We sat there like that for a while, all of a sudden the door handle twisted so i jumped off quickly and sat on the chair next to the bed. A nurse entered the room. "Right, Mr Horan.. we are pleased to say that you have been doing great and you will be released as soon as possible, is that okay?" she said with a smile. "Yes, does it mean i can go now?" he asked. "If you wish" she smiled before closing the door and leaving us alone again. "I can't wait" Niall said with a wink. "Oi, i won't be doing anything until i know you're better" i said. "But..." he began. "No buts..." i said giving him a wink. "But..." he said again. "Nope" i said. "Noo but what if i can't resist you?" he said pulling me in by the waist so i was over him. "We'll see" i said handing him his clothes. "Here get changed" i said turning away. "what are you doing?" he said pulling me around to face him. "Giving you privacy?" i said. "Nooooooo i'd rather you watched me, and saw what you're trying to resist until i'm better" he said with a wink. "If you say so Horan" i said sitting down on the bed, he pulled the gown over his head to reveal a few bruises and some cuts. I Stood up and ran my fingers over the bruises gently. "Oh Niall..." i said looking him into the eyes.  He moved closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug. His crotch was pressed against my leg. "I know you're feeling turned on right now" he whispered into my ear. "And how would you know?" i said whispering back. "I know you" he winked. I stepped back. "Niall.. please just put on your clothes" i giggled. "Would you rather me not put on my clothes and me stay like this?" he winked. "Yes i would, but we have to leave... remember?" i gave him another wink and he jumped to put his jeans on. He threw his shirt over his head and grabbed his bag. "I;m ready" he said taking my hand. "I thought so" i said  leading him out of the hospital. "Car? bus? or walk?" i asked. "I don't think i could face going on a vehicle right now" he said looking at the ground. "Hey it's fine we can walk" i said pulling his chin up to look at me. It was only like a 20 minute walk anyway. Every bit of the way his arm was around my shoulders and occasionally moved down to my waist, pulling me close to  him. We were nearly at the apartments when it began to rain. "Hey" i said pulling him close. "It's raining" he said. "i know" i replied grinning. He nodded as he knew what i was talking about and he pulled me close and kissed me passionately, the rain trickling down our faces made it just that bit more special.His lips had turned a bright pinkish colour, the rain had made his hair flop over his eyes. I stared at him for a minute, he looked so beautiful. "Chelsey?" he said waving his hands in front of my face. "Oh.." i said taking his hand and leading him inside. "Lets go and tell the other boys you're home" i said walking to our apartment. I opened the door and told Niall to stay at the door. The others were sat on the sofa. "Hi guys" i smiled. "You're soaked" Louis said handing you a towel and his hoodie so i could keep warm. "Thank you Lou" i smiled. "Where is Niall?" Liam said. "He's right here" i said opening the door for Niall to come in. "Niall!!" they screamed and created a group hug. I went to my bedroom to get Niall a hoodie. I looked down at my ring as i did, i loved him so much and he had done so much for me.  I went to my jewellry box and found a ring that my grandad had given my dad, and i never had a brother so it was given to me. I knew Niall was the one. I Planned to give him it. I heard the door open and shut. I felt arms around my waist so i hid the ring in the pocket of my hoodie. He kissed down my neck until i turned around. I handed him the hoodie. "Is there any point?" he said pulling his top over his head and winking. "Niall i need to do something..." i said turning away for a minute getting the ring in my hand. "And it's gonna seem weird, but you do everything for me.. so i want to do something for you.." i said as i got down onto one knee. "Will you Niall Horan.. take this ring as a token of our engagement and marriage?" i asked him as i looked up to him."Yes" he screamed, i put the ring onto his finger. "Wait,  is this ring special to you?" he asked. "Well yeah, but thats why i want you to have it..." I looked around the room and saw a few letters addressed to me, i went over to one and opened it before i forgot, i began reading it to see i got the job i applied for. "Well done babe" he said as he came behind me once more. "now back to the ring... i don't know if i can take it if it's special to you.." he said. "My grandad gave it to my dad, and my dad gave it to me as i don't have a brother..." i said. "I can't take it.." he said looking down at it.  "Niall please... i need you to take it because... you're everything to me... and i need to do more for you because.. you do everything for me... and i don't feel right" i said holding onto his hand. "Okay... i will.. but if you ever need it back..." he said. "just ask me,okay?" he said looking into my eyes. "Now seeing as we have 2 things to celebrate" he said. "What??" i asked. "Our second engagement and your job..." he continued. "I think it's time for a celebration.. if you get what i mean.."  he said moving closer as he began to kiss down my neck. "Niall... you know we can't until you recover.. i'm doing this for you" i said as i stroked his face with my hand. "i know... but i keep saying.. i'm fine" he said kissng my forehead and down to my lips. "Please?" he said pulling his puppy dog eyes trick. "You know you can't resist the Horan" he said with a wink. I giggled and began to walk out, i needed to ignore him. I wanted him, but i couldn't do it if he was hurt. All of a sudden lust took over me and i slammed my lips onto his. He sat back down onto the bed as he laid back and i leaned over him kissing him passionately....

Love conquers all. A Niall Horan fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now