Chapter 9

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It was a new day and it was another rainy day. This weather was horrdendus. first thing it was sunny and then it was raining. What on earth. I'm glad it's raining though, anything to stay out of Tom's way, and anything to spend more time with Niall and the boys. I Turned in the bed and pulled myself out, i looked at Niall who was sleeping before stepping into the shower... After i was done i wrapped myself in a towel once again and crept out, beggining to open the door, as i bumped into someone knocking my towel slightly "Oh sorry" i heard Zayn's voice say. "Oh it's okay" i said smiling. "I was just about to go in" he chuckled. "We really need to get a lock for this door" i said giggling and moving past Zayn. I got to my room door and decided to give Niall some more sleeping time. Instead i thought it would be funny to look at the other boys and creep over them until they woke up. I crept into Liam's room, he was sleeping and turning over in the covers. I crept over him and stared at him for a while, i exhaled loudly so my breath was on his face. he opened his eyes. "Aaah" he said before getting up and laughing. "Omg Chelsey" he said laughing. "You scared the life out of me" he added, still laughing."sssh i'm gonna do it to the others" i said leaving the room trying to stop giggling. i crept into Louis' room and did the same to him, this time whispering his name in a spooky tone. "Louiiiiiiiiisssssss, Looooooouuuuuuis" i whispered. I saw him turn a little, and then he opened his eyes and shot up. "Omg you..." he began "I scared you huh?" i said laughing. "Yeah" he said chuckling. "Right i'm off to go do it to Harry so sssh" i said smiling. I crept into Harry's room, his breathing was heavy, and some hair had flopped over his eyes. i stared over him for a few minutes and still no reaction. I leaned in closer so my nose was almost touching his. He twitched a little before he suddenly jumped forwards causing me to be knocked backwards. I screamed and so did he. "Oh gosh, Chelsey i'm so sorry" he said helping me up and laughing. "What were you trying to do?" he asked me. "Scare you... i did it with the others" i said giggling. "by the looks of it i scared you?" he asked. "Nooooo" i said winking and leaving the room. I went back to Niall and saw he wasn't there. "Niall?" i called his name. i walked over to the bed and lifted the quilts and he still wasn't there."Niall?" i called again. Suddenly i felt a pair of hands brush my waist and a body run into me and pull me forwards so i landed on the bed. "Niall!" i screamed laughing at the same time. "Sorry did i scare ya?" he said winking. "Just a little" i said pulling up my towel. "You almost knocked my towel down then" i added winking at him. "Ooooh" he said playfully. "I need to get ready" i said kissing his cheek and standing up. "Hey, we're doing baking today by the way" Niall said. "When did we decide this?" i asked feeling excited. "Last night" he said, pulling out one of his shirts and handing me it. "Here, this is an old shirt, wear this in case you get messy" he said pulling on one of his shirts. "I'm practically living in your clothes Nialler" i giggled taking the shirt and turning around to put it over my head. I turned back and saw Niall smiling at me. "Come on, we can make an early start" he said pulling me along to the kitchen. we began to get all the equipment out, we got mulitpul bowls out, several spoons. Niall chuckled a little when he pulled one out "Whats up?" i asked. "Oh nothing, just Liam's got a phobia of spoons" "Oh" i said picking them up and began to put them away. he put his hand on mine to stop me. "He'll be fine" he said placing them back out and chuckling. I got out the butter, eggs, flour, sugar and some other ingredients that we might need. "What are we baking exactly?" i asked. "Well... me and you are gonna try do some buns, or a cake? and the rest of the boys are gonna try and bake some pizza" he said looking at me as if he was waiting for something. "Oh yeh" i said jumping up and doing my little dance. "I love pizzaaaa" i said laughing, i had to lean on the edge of the sink to pull myself back together. "Hello guys" Louis said walking into the kitchen, the other boys following. "I think we all had a nice wake up call this morning" Harry said winking at me. "Huh?" i heard Zayn and Niall say. "Oh did she not wake you two up?" Liam asked. "No?" Niall said looking at me. "Well.. um.. i tried to scare them when they actually did wake up... but it didn't really work" i said looking to the boys. "Well it did with me" Liam said chuckling a little. "Me too... but just a little... this swag masta doesn't get scared" Louis said with a wink. "I think i scared her more than she scared me" Harry said looking smug. "No you didn't scare me at all Harold" i said pushing him away playfully. "I'm here to protect you anyway" Niall said pulling me into his chest so my face was squidged up against it. "Nialler" i said laughing and kissing his nose. "Lets bake" i said dragging Niall into the kitchen, Louis and Harry began to work together to make their pizza, and Liam and Zayn working together to make theirs. "I'm gonna make a cheeesssyyy pizza" Harry said. grabbing a load of cheese. "Lets just put everything on ours Zayn said grabbing everything. Louis and Liam were making the dough for the pizza whilst Harry and Zayn grabbed everything to put on the pizzas. Me and Niall began to bake the mixture. He emptied the flour into the bowl, it blew everywhere out of the bowl, he had some on his face which made me giggle. "Whats up?" Niall asked. "Oh nothing you just have... some..." i said wiping his forehead and wiping it on his shirt. "Hey" he said getting a handfull of flour and throwing it all over me. "oi i was being nice" i shouted and threw some back at him, it soon turned into a massive flour fight between everyone until we ran out of flour... luckily we had already used all the flour in our food that we needed. I laughed at everyone as they were covered in flour. i turned back to the bowl and began to whisk in the eggs, butter,and sugar to make the mixture. I felt arms on my waist and a head in my neck. "It's ready for the oven" i said handing it back to Niall. "Okay babe" he said kissing my cheek and placing it in the oven with the pizzas. "Oh babe" Niall said causing me to look around. He pulled me in close, i had flour on my hands so i moved them down to his bum leaving my hand prints on him. He must have noticed because he had some flour from his hands and wiped it on my face. "Nialler" i said laughing and wiping my floury hands all over his face. "I'm gonna get you" Niall said chasing me. I ran behind the couch and jumped over it and inbetween Zayn and Harry. "help meee" i screamed whist giggling. Harry and Zayn jumped in front of me and covered me. "Hahahahah" i laughed. I felt a pair of hands drag me backwards and up and off the sofa, i felt myself being laid on the floor. Niall sat on top of me. "Gotcha now" he said wiping his hands all over  my shirt and face getting me back from before. "You owe me a kiss" he said. "After that?" i said sitting up and giving him a wink. i walked away and he pulled me back. "yes" he smiled "Yes you do" he began leaning in. i pulled away and smiled. "No" i winked and began to walk away. "Don't you think i'm owed one for all the teasing?" he pulled me in again. "Hmm" i said. "Do you not think?" he said playing with a strand of my hair. "Okay" i began leaning in, my lips were almost touching his when the alarm for the oven went off. i ran to the kitchen to get it out of the oven, the pizzas were ready and needed to be cooled and our cake was pretty much ready, which needed to be cooled too. i began to make some icing for the cake, by mixing in some sugar and butter. "Hey Niall what do you think?" i said holding out my finger with some icing on it. He put it in his mouth and licked his lips. "Mmmm" he said exaggerating. "Glad you like it Nialler" i said and began to pour the icing on the cake. "Guys i think they're done" i shouted to the boys. They came to the kitchen and began to get the food. "Our pizza looks best doesn't it Liam?" Zayn said to Liam who was now nodding in agreement. "No ours does" Harry said to Louis. "They both look good" i said handing them a pizza slicer. "But personally i think mine and Niall's cake is better" i said looking proudly at our handiwork, and my icing which said "Chelsey and Niall 4 evar" "Awww" Niall said kissing me on the cheek. " i haven't forgotten" he said grinning. "Okay Niall" i said cutting a slice of cake and handing it to him. "mmm this is good" Niall said eating it. "This pizza is amazing" Louis said taking a bite. I got a piece and began to eat it. "It is good" i said enjoying it, and then cutting me some cake, The boys were sat in the living room eating now, and i saw Harry coming into the kitchen, i lost my concentration and the knife slipped onto my finger and cut it. "Owww" i said dropping the knife and holding my thumb. "Babe" Harry said coming over to me, putting his arms around me and moving me to the tap. He began to run it and put my finger under it. I looked at him whilst he was doing it, he looked back up at me. "What?" he said with a smile. "Oh.. nothing" i said looking down at my finger. He pulled my chin up with his finger. "I..." he began. "oww" i said as his hand was pressed right up against my thumb. "I'm so sorry" he said lifting my finger back up and concentrating what he was doing now.  he reached for a plaster and handed me it. "Can you undo this for me please?" he said whilst grabbing a tissue and dabbing my thumb. I opened the plaster and handed it to him. He put it around my thumb and brought my hand to his face and kissed it gently. "A Styles kiss to make it better" he said smiling. "Thank you Harry" i said and hugged him tightly. "Are you okay in there?" i heard Niall shout. "I just cut my finger" i shouted back giving Harry a kiss on the cheek. Niall ran in."Oh my poor Chelsey where?" i held out my thumb showing him it. "Harry helped me " i said smiling at Harry. "Thanks mate" Niall said to Harry. Harry cut me a piece of cake with a clean knife. "Here you go Chels" he said handing me it. "Thank you Harry"  i said taking the cake in my spare hand as Niall had took my other one and was dragging me to our room. "I can't handle this Chelsey" he said closing the door. I placed my cake down on the table. "handle what?" i asked. " i need to..." he stopped for a second before pulling me in and kissing me passionately. "That" he said smiling. "I have been wanting to do that all day, and you have been teasing me.. not helping" Niall said chuckling. "You know you love it really" i said winking at him. "I do" He said. "But when i've been wanting to kiss you and it feels like ages... man... you gotta know how a guy feels" Niall said moving forwards. "Hmm i suppose" i said moving in closer. "Well, you're free to do it now" i said wrapping my arms around his waist and linking them together and slowly moving down to his bum and squeezing it gently.i leaned in closer and he stopped and pulled away. "Now you know what it's like to be teased" he said sitting down on the bed. "Hmm, guess you don't want your kiss then.." i said opening the door and beginning to leave. "No i do" he said pulling me back and down onto the bed, he sat next to me. He placed his hands on my waist and moved in closer, i linked my arms around his neck as his played with my hair. His lips began touching mine and we were locked in a passionate embrace. I fiddled with his top and lifted it over his head. I threw it to the ground and began to feel down his stomach and to his trousers. I began to fiddle with his belt. "Are you sure Chelsey?" he stopped me. I nodded and began to kiss him again, i took off my top and helped him kick down his trousers...

i woke up in Niall's arms, i remembered what happened last night and smiled to myself.  "Babe?" i said to Niall who now turned to face me. "Yes?" he said grinning at me. "I'm off to take a shower" i said sitting up and kissing him on the cheek. i began to get up pulling the covers with me. "Oh i'll just lay here naked" he winked. "Yeah you just do that, it's a nice view" i said winking and grabbing a towel before throwing him the covers back. "Hey" he said so i went back. "I love you Chelsey" he said "I love you too Niall" i said before leaving the room. once again i took my daily shower. I went back to Niall and began to get ready, when we were he took my hand and we walked into the living room where all the boys were sat up and ready. "I'm so tired" Zayn said chuckling and looking at Louis, Liam and Harry. "I didn't get much sleep" said Liam. "Not with all the racket" Louis said. "You guys could have kept it down a little" Harry said laughing. "Oh dear" i said looking at Niall, my cheeks flushing red. "Just cos i can get someone" Niall said laughing at the others. "Hey, i have Danielle" Liam said. "i didn't mean you Liam" he said walking up to him and hugging him. I went to the kitchen and began to find something to eat. i felt someone's presence beside me. "I bet you had fun last night?" i turned to see Harry grinning. "It sure sounded like it" he added making me blush with embarrasment. "Thanks Harry" i said leaning on my tiptoes to reach something in the cupboard. "You know, i bet you could have more fun with me" he whispered into my ear. "Harold!!!!" i said turning to face him looking serious. "Okay i'm sorry, i'm only kidding" he laughed. "well..." i said and turned back around. "Would you?" he asked looking serious. "If i wasn't with Niall then..." i stopped and turned around. "then what?" he asked. "Maybe i would consider it... but i'm with Niall so..." I stopped again. "but if you weren't?" he said smirking. "Don't push it Harold, i love Niall" i said. "Yeah, but at least i know that you would have" he said winking. "Harry.. " i started. "Okay okay i know" he chuckled. "I love you best friend" he said kissing me on the cheek. "I Love you too Harold" i said playfully pushing him into the living room.

Love conquers all. A Niall Horan fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now