chapter 4

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I woke up with a head ache, i heard noises in the kitchen and jumped a little, then i realised it must be my sister, i hadn't seen her yet. I got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen where your sister had made breakfast. "Hey" i said sleepily. she ran up to me and hugged me. "Chelsey it's been so long" she said hugging me tightly. "i knoww" i said giggling. "I made breakfast for us" she said happily. "thank you" i said sitting down at the table. "So i've been hearing you had some fun with my neighbours last night eh?" she said cheerfully. "They're a right laugh" she added. "Ah yeah, it looks like i'm good friends with them already" i said smiling, although i had forgotten most of last night. I wasn't too good when it came to drink. "Okay sis, i have to go to work now but i will see you soon", "bye" i said hugging her, before she ran out and shut the door. i thought about last night, i couldn't really remember what happened, maybe... oh what did i do?? omg i.... i remembered about kissing Harry, and... Niall. Oh gosh, i hope they've forgotten. i finished eating my breakfast and stood at the sink to wash it up, i  switched on the radio and began singing. i had been singing for a few minutes when i felt someone creep around the side of me and kiss my cheek. I jumped to see Niall. "omg you scared the life out of me"... "oh crap.. sorry" Niall said hugging me to make sure i was better. "the door was unlocked and i um... i wanted to see you" he said smiling. "I wanted to see you too Nialler it just scared me thats all" i said calming down. "Me and the boys are going to the beach today, would you like to come with us?" Niall asked. "Oh yeah that would be nice" i smiled. "Get ready soon then" Niall chuckled. "Oh great..." i mumbled realising he had just seen me in my pjyamas and no make up. "I look a right mess..." i said. "No you don't love, you look beautiful" Niall said smiling. "is it okay if the boys wait around here for you, with me? who knows what they'll get up to otherwise" Niall asked. "thats fine, i'm just off for a shower" i smiled and grabbed a towel and some clothes and took them into the bathroom. i began running the shower, and the water began trickling down my skin. I heard a click but didn't see anything so i continued in the shower, and then i realised the boys were round. I looked outside of the shower to see my clothes and my towel were missing. I laughed at the fact that whoever it was had forgotten to take out my extra spare towel from underneath the bath. i wrapped myself in it and went to the living room to confront whoever had taken them,  "Who took my towel and clothes?" i asked. the boys were all watching television. They all stared at me and chuckled. "You have your towel on?" Liam said. "No, someone stole my other one, this was another one that i LUCKILY had in my bathroom, otherwise you guys, will have seen me naked" i said seriously. "Ooooh" Harry said sounding excited. "Oh Harold" Louis laughed. "Well whoever it was can i have my clothes back?"  "sorry about that" Louis said throwing my clothes at me. "You didn't look at me in the shower did you?" i asked preparing myself for him to have. "Um... yeah i'm sorry though!!" Louis said. "Oh my gosh" i said blushing and running to my room. i put my bra and knickers on, it was boiling so i couldn't wear my original clothes which were jeans and a top, hmm... i couldn't seem to find anything. "Harry" i shouted. I heard footsteps and Harry came running in. "I can't find anything to wear" i said. Harry was one of my closest friends in the group already so it made sense him coming to help. Harry stood there staring. "Harold whats going on here" i heard another voice say from  behind him, i saw Niall stood there. "I um.. was helping Chelsey find something to wear, that's it" he said scratching his head and rummaging through my wardrobe. Niall looked over to me and realised that i only had bra and knickers on so he covered his eyes. "Awh Nialler, it's fine. you can help me if you want?" Niall looked back "yeah sure" he said. "right, so what was up with your other clothes, or did you just want us in here to look at you in your underwear?" Harry said winking. "Right, noooo, it's too warm for my other clothes. "Well you just sit down and we'll choose something, okay?" Niall said pushing me down to the bed gently and smiling. I felt comfortable being around them like this, and Louis had already seen me naked so, who cares? i thought to myself. "done" Harry and Niall said placing some clothes on the bed. They had done pretty good for guys, they had got me a pair of high waisted denim shorts, a white t shirt with a pattern on it and a pair of silver sandals. I put them on and began to do my hair and make up. I sprayed myself with perfume and walked out and slipped my sunglasses on. "Ready boys" i shouted as i walked to the living room where they were watching tv. "wow, you look good" Zayn said. "Thank you" i smiled. Niall held out his arm "May i?" he chuckled whilst i liked arms with him. "yes you may" i giggled. Being with the boys i didn't miss anyone, not even a little bit, they made me forget about everything in the world. I can't help but think that i'm falling in love with Niall. in fact no, i knew i was in love with Niall. we left for the beach, Louis was driving. It took  us a few hours to get there but it was more time of sitting next to Niall so i didn't really care. we all jumped out of the car. "last one to the beach buys the ice creams" Harry shouted as we all began to run, Niall was the fastest and so far i was last. Niall saw me and ran back to me, the boys were really ahead of us, Niall picked me up and threw me onto his shoulders and began running, he soon caught up, but Liam was far ahead, i knew he was a good runner, he always seemed like an athletic person, especially when you could see his six pack through his shirts. Me and Niall came 2nd and Louis came last. "damn" he said laughing. He messed around in the sea, the boys shirts got wet, you could see through them , and i was enjoying every single minute. Harry noticed i was checking his abs out through his shirt so he began to lift his shirt over his head. i stayed still and opened my mouth. wow. Harry then looked at Louis and he then did the same, and so did Zayn, and then so did Liam... Niall was still there unsure of what to do, so i began lifting his shirt up, and and over his head. I smiled at him and he flashed me a grin. "the only one left without a top on is you Chelsey" Harry shouted. I didn't look him in the eyes, i was too busy staring at his six pack. "Did you listen to me?" Harry said. "Um... no?" I said giggling and looking at his face. He lifted my shirt over my head, luckily i had a bra on underneath. I tried to cover myself up, "come on Chelsey i've seen it before, and so has Niall, and Louis has been lucky enough to see without anything" he chuckled and winked at me. "Fine" i said unfolding my arms, i was still enjoying the views i had of the boys though, they were hot. Splashing each other in the waves, it was so fun. i got soaked, but so did everyone. I ran out of the sea and Niall followed me, the water dripping down his stomach, it was so hot. I laid down on a beach mat as Niall came towards me. "are you oka...." Niall said whilst tripping over and falling on top of me. "Ooops" Niall said as his nose brushed mine. I stared into his eyes, and leaned closer to his lips. I wanted to feel them on mine, and savour the moment. my lips were about to touch his when... "Chelsey what are you doing?" i recognized the voice. "What are you doing here? i told you to leave me alone Tom" what on earth was he doing back here. "i came here to try and get you back" he said pulling me up and pulling me away from the boys. "You're mine, and nobody elses" he had tight grip of your wrists. since when had he become one of the protective people, in fact this wasn't protecting, it was being obsessed. "Chelsey" i heard Niall call as Tom pulled me away. "stay away from my girlfriend okay?" Tom shouted to Niall. "I'm not your girlfriend" i shouted pushing him away from me. "Stay away from me!!!" i shouted pushing him away. "If i can't have you, then no one can" he said pulling me by the waist and back to his car. the boys tried running after me but Tom always stopped them. I was crying, i had never seen him like this before. He put me into his car and locked the doors. "why did you do that? we could have stayed together?" he said finally. "I didn't want to hurt you, but now i have seen this side of you i'm glad i broke up with you" i shouted. "You didn't break up with me" he said. "I did on the text" i told him. "You didn't break up with me" he said more forcefully and in my face. He leaned in closer and i pulled away. "stay away from me, i mean it" he cupped my face in his hands tightly so i couldn't move and began kissing me. I began banging on the window for help. someone please see me. please.  he leaned over on me, so i was laid down and couldn't bang on the window anymore. He kissed my neck "Tom leave me alone" i said pushing his face away. "i don't want you" i screamed. "too bad" he said kissing me again,and began to unbutton his trousers.. all of a sudden there was a smash of a window, i saw a figure through the smashed glass. Tom got out of the car to inspect what it was. I could make out a figure of a male, with curly hair. It wasn't Harry? It couldn't be?  Tom punched the guy and started to kick him to the floor, he had locked the car doors so i found something to hit my window with and broke out of the car. "Get off of him you creep" i said pushing Tom to the floor, to see a helpless.. in fact who was it? it was Harry. I began to cry even more, to see him like that. Tom was about to get up so i kicked him so he stayed down. "We're done, don't even speak to me again" i said picking Harry up off of the floor and carrying him in my arms, he was heavy but i didn't care. He practically just saved me, and that deserves everything. I looked at his face as i carried him back to the car where Louis was. The boys all jumped out and i placed Harry on the floor. He looked so hurt, so hurt that at the moment he couldn't even walk. "Harry please, i'm so sorry" i said crying over him. the boys gathered around me and Harry on the floor. "What happened?" Liam said  worriedly. "My ex Tom, he got all possessive and he wouldn't let me go, he was kissing me and i tried to get away but he locked the doors, and then there was a smash and Harry had broken his car window, so Tom started punching and kicking him, but if Harry wouldn't have come i'm scared he might have done something more, but Harry ended up getting hurt so it would be better if he didn't come, i can't see him like this" i said. "He'll get better soon i promise" Liam said stroking my face with his hands. I looked around but couldn't see Niall, where was he? "Where's Niall?" i asked. "he disappeared, i don't know where, but it can't be far" Louis said. "I'm going to find him" i said. "No you can't" Harry spoke up. "I don't want you getting hurt by Tom again" he told me. "No Harry,  i'll be fine, and thank you so much for doing that back then, you saved my life, i owe it to you Harry, i'll pay you back i promise you, i'll do whatever you like, just as soon as i find Niall, if Tom finds him first, who knows what he'll do" i said kissing Harry on the cheek. "Thank you Hazza , i love you" i said before running off. I ran to the beach and saw a figure that looked like Niall. I ran up to him and laid down next to him. "Hi" i said. he got up and walked away. "Niall do you even know what has just happened?" i shouted. he turned around "no i don't really care" he said. "YOUR BEST FRIEND HAS JUST BEEN BEATEN UP AND I WAS NEARLY RAPED"  i screamed at him collapsing into the sand. Niall ran back. "what?" he said worriedly, "I'll kill him" he said standing up and running to the place where Tom's car was parked. I could see from the distance as i was running towards then that Niall had begun to punch him. I ran even closer and finally reached them to see Tom on the floor and Niall had a bust lip and bruises were starting to form on his face, "NO" i screamed. "stop please!!!" i said jumping in between them, Tom slapped me and i fell to the ground. I don't know what happened but the other boys came running out of nowhere and Liam lifted me into his arms as Louis punched Tom and he fell to the ground. "run" Liam shouted as we all ran back to the car, where Harry was slumped in the passenger seat. Louis jumped into the drivers seat and drove away as fast as he could. I reached forwards to Harry, and kissed his cheek. "I meant it when i said i'd do anything for you, thank you so much Harry" he flashed me a grin. "i'll be fine, i promise babe" he said stroking my cheek. i felt a tear roll down my face, i turned to face Niall. "Thank you so much Niall" i said kissing him on the cheek, he winced at his bruises as i touched them. "I'm so sorry Niall" i said running everything over in my head.

We arrived back at the apartment, and i wanted to stay with the boys tonight, Liam had invited me anyway so i needed to make sure that they were ok...

Love conquers all. A Niall Horan fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now